Saturday, April 17, 2010


Proud member of the Mighty Linuses (luckily no security blankets were needed during the season)
Daman was an assistant coach and the kids (of course) loved him. Here he is giving an intense pep talk. . . and lesson on tying on cleats.
A game begins!!

And usually this is how it ended:

And fun was had by all, even if we didn't keep score.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Field Trip!!

The Big Fieldtripper (his first official school field trip!) and his super cool chaperone. Not every kindergarten class gets a therapist as chaperone. . only the best at Fairfax Villa!

Ike, Cristian, Ziyad, and the super mature Daman

Isaac, Peter, and Jasmine cuddling up to the new lamb

And of course, more cow milking. . .

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Lucy loves her looong hair. She loves it blowing in the wind. She love flipping it with her hand. She loves pushing it out of her face, which is good--because she does that alot. She does not love getting her hair brushed or put in nice neat ponytails. So, she had a choice to make,let mom brush her hair twice a day or cut it off. She made her choice:

Dad looked up a cutting hair video on youtube and went to work

And. . . . .

Adorable. Good to know Daman has a fallback if this therapy gig doesn't work out.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Little Farmers

Frying Pan Park is also one of our favorite spots. We revel in the farm life, and I walk around daydreaming about my own white farmhouse and gathering eggs every morning. And if we're lucky we get to do this:

Daisee getting up close and personal with the little milkers. Their Dairy Farm Daddy would be very proud.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

You Know You're a Northern Virginian When. . .

. . . the Cherry Blossom Festival beomes an annual rite of Spring.

First things First: The Swearing in of Official Junior Cherry Blossom Rangers. They were entrusted with the important duty of tackling and tickling anyone seen climbing on trees or picking blossoms. They might get tasers to use next year.

Isaac, Lucy, and Tommy.