Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Behold The Belly

I realized yesterday that I had none of the required side belly shots of this pregnancy. You know the ones you take every month with your first pregnancy and then have your entire ballooning process caught on film. So, in an effort to distract Isaac this morning--he was having a very difficult time accepting the fact that he had to wear brown socks because his white ones weren't clean--I commissioned him to take a photo of me in all my rotund glory. So, here I am, a little over seven months pregnant having painful contractions daily that fortunately aren't doing a thing but making me uncomfortable. The other night I was having to focus and relax through some of these regular contractions and I was a wee bit nervous, but the doctor reassured me that everything is closed up and just fine. This pregnancy has gone insanely fast. I was much sicker in the beginning than I had been with either Isaac or Lucy. It was pretty awful. It is really exciting to experience this pregnancy with Isaac. He loves feeling my belly and talking about the new baby. He is such a great big brother--Lucy and Nora are lucky to have him. He is excited that Lucy will have a little sister with whom to share girly toys, hopefully leaving him and his racecars in peace. Fat chance. I hate to burst his bubble, but Lucy has no girly toys and I think they will both want to follow him around wherever he may roam.
So, we are drawing close to the arrival of our third. My "due" date is January 16th, but I have learned that those are pretty pointless. Daman's birthday is the 11th, that would be nice. But, maybe we'll have an inaugural baby on the 20th. Who knows, all I know is we have to figure out where all three kids are going to sleep, unpack some fuzzy little clothes and prepare for life as outnumbered parents. I think I am going to take a nap.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Gold Belted Master

Oh how I wish we had used our video more to capture this day. We signed Isaac up for Tae Kwon Do several months ago and it has been a marvelous thing for him. Pictured above with Isaac is Master Lightfoot. He and his wife, Janet, run the studio and do a really stellar job. From the beginning, they set goals and challenges for even their youngest kickers. Isaac had to memorize and recite the "student creed" before getting his white belt. I imagine that it comes standard with the uniform, but they set it aside as something to earn in a simple way early on, in an attempt to reinforce the idea of goal-setting and the confidence that comes with achievement. They really focus on character and respect and I've seen Isaac's confidence really blossom through the experience. He had to go through four tests to earn four stripes on his belt and then test for his gold belt. For his test he had to perform all the required kicks and punches that he'd tested on thusfar, then perform "Kamsah," a ten-move form, and recite another, longer student creed. He was shaky and less focused than we'd like, but he did his very best and we were really proud of him. He shone on his recitations and his confidence rallied from there. He was so excited to earn that new belt. Exciting for him. . . palpitating anxiety for me. Good grief, I could barely take the strain of watching my four year old take his first belt test, and Daman wants to encourage him to wrestle someday? Unless I harness some serious meditation skills, I could never endure a wrestling match. I imagine I would thrash more than the competitors.

The test was an exciting part of the day, but the true entertainment came at graduation later that evening. . . .

Picture this: Behind this portrait of focus that is Isaac stand about twenty other graduates, several are receiving their black belts and a few their second degree black belts. So, it is understood that they are a bit more trained and disciplined than our little four year old. Oh, and they are also a whole lot louder. So when Master Lightfoot commands (and I do mean command--this guy is intense) them to all go through "Kamsah" together, suddenly little Isaac is overwhelmed by the speed and sound that surrounds him. It was hilarious watching our little guy spin around, trying his best to get through the moves but completely undone by the distractions around him. He was moving in completely the opposite direction of everyone else at one point. Luckily, that was just the practice round and by the time he performed with the group at graduation, he'd loosened up a little and was generally going in the right direction. At the end of the demonstrations, each graduate was to come up to receive their belt and diploma. Master Lightfoot told them beforehand the procedure: He was putting a yellow tape on the ground that they would come to and stand on to shake his hand and receive their awards. Cue Isaac. He saunters up and stands just to the side of Master Lightfoot. Here's the script:

Master Lightfoot: "Isaac, find the yellow tape."

Isaac (looks around, locates the tape as asked and taps it with his foot to help poor lost Master Lightfoot)


Master Lightfoot: "Get on the tape."

Isaac (stands on tape and bows)

Master Lightfoot hands diploma and belt to Isaac, who grabs it with right hand. This proves to make the standard handshake rather difficult and as Isaac attempts to transfer his prizes to the left hand, he drops his belt (this is a no-no)

More Laughter

Master Lightfoot: "Pick it up Isaac"

Isaac: "I need you to fold it for me"

It becomes clear that this is not going to happen. So Isaac puts his diploma on the ground to recover the belt.

Master Lightfoot: "Now, pick that up, Isaac--you worked hard for that!"

Lots More Laughter

Finally Isaac gets everything in the right hands and shakes hands with the Master and returns to his seat, the newest crowned gold belt in the bunch. The celebration was then topped off by a potluck buffet and running around like crazy in the studio because he never gets to do that in class. It was a wonderful day for Isaac. He is such a bright, happy, energetic kid. I am often too hard on him. He is creative and sensitive and so much fun. I am so grateful that he has had this experience. Should we move, it would definitely be missed. Next stop, orange belt.


Goblin Brains Anyone???

A Happy Halloweeney Breakfast

We are not the most spirited Halloween bunch (get it?) but we did have more fun this year than ever before. Isaac wanted to make a new Halloween decoration every day, so we ended the season with quilt batting (aka spider webs) strewn all around the front of our house, a homemade ghost hanging from our mailbox and a pretty scary spider on our living room wall. Pumpkins and our glowing cat topped us off. We had a great time at our church Trunk or Treat. Isaac picked a Buzz Lightyear costume from our favorite thrift shop, and Lucy let us put her in an orange outfit that had a ghost on it. Daman tried to trick her into thinking this little lion costume was a "coat," but she wouldn't have it. Trick or treating now, that was another story. At first she just ran around the parking lot at church with her bag. Then, at our last stop, she realized she could actually put things in her bag. So she did. Alot. She fished around, picked a piece, looked over it for approval, then dropped it in her bag. Repeat. We were blessed with perfect Trick or Treating weather and we went to a wonderful Halloween party at a neighbor's home. They had homemade root beer in a cauldron! I was very impressed. From there we went gallavanting through the neighborhood with Isaac sprinting from house to house and even remembering to say thank you once in awhile. Lucy finally got the nerve to approach a door but she apparently thought it was just a big swapping event. She would knock at the door and when they held out their goodies, she took whatever was in her bag and traded them. I thought this was a really good way to limit the sugar while maximizing the experience, but she soon abandoned the notion and began the "candy by the fistful" method--much more effective. So, here I sit with a big bag of candy tucked away with my Sunday dishes and I have put out our lone Thanksgiving decoration. I imagine in a few weeks the homemade treasures will begin to appear as the countdown to Christmas begins! And speaking of countdowns, I am slowly realizing that this baby will be joining us in just about ten weeks. I don't think any homemade decorations are going to get me ready for that--but the candy might come in handy.

Buzz and Wonderwoman. . . Here we come to save the day!!

(you might know them by their meek and mild alter egos, Isaac and Caroline)