Hope all is well in your neck of the woods. I've had a pretty busy week and weekend. My youngest grand daughter is now the big 2. So every thing has been about her. Well I guess we've enjoy it as much as her.
So here I am, last minute me!!!!!!! I wanted to do sketch #18 with Graphicat but things kept getting in my way and today while doing laundry I though, humm I can do it right now!!!!! So I did. I used the Indie chic "citron" paper. And with just a few hours to spare....... Tada!!!!
And this was is the Sketch
But wait I have more. In September I showed you a barbie cake I made for my 4 year old grand daughter. Well when I asked the younger one what she wanted for her Birthday, guess what she said. Yup! A barbie cake. And here is her cake...
And because she is so stinky cute. I gave her the card I made for Graphicat's sketch last month. It was perfect for her, and she loved it. I'm telling you, I think am hooked on their sketches.
I hope you guys enjoyed my latest project and I will be back soon with another project.
Take care my friends.