Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The One Year Old

this little boy turned one on Dec. 2nd.

With both of my kids, the first year has been challenging, exciting and goes by way too fast. This year with Sterling has been wonderful. He is truly happy boy. He has an even temperament, the best smile and all the determination in the world. He is going to need this determination because he has some medical challenges ahead of him, which I have no doubt he will conquer. He loves to crawl up the stairs as fast as he can, sit at the landing and then laugh hysterically when we realize where he has gone. He is very curious, always looking into cupboards, standing up on stuff to get to something else. He makes the cutest car sound with anything with wheels and is most recently into waving. We are so glad he is in our family. We love you Sterling boy.

Do I only post on birthdays?? Hmm, oh well, better than nothing!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Very Strawberry Birthday

Grace had her 3rd birthday on April 3rd. We were in Spokane with my family and we were really able to celebrate big. I love that Grace has celebrated each of her birthdays with my parents. Since they don't see her for most of the year, it is so fun that they get this day (it always just works out that my mum's spring break is the first week of April).

Grace decided she wanted a Strawberry Shortcake party and all of her requests were definitely met as she was spoiled like crazy by her aunts. My sister Becky made an AMAZING Birthday cake that was completely dairy and egg free and looked seriously awesome (tasted yummy too). Grace got a million presents and was in heaven. She was still feeling a bit shy as it was only the second day of our trip, but she basked in the attention from her cousins and had a great time.

Before we left for Spokane Dave and I gave her the present from us...a bike. She is still learning how to ride it, but I know she will get to that point soon. She also got some special Fancy Nancy stuff from her Grammy and is now in love with the character. She other recent obsession is Barbie. I think Mel likes to feed this obsession. HaHa. Grace has been singing "Barbie in the Princess and the Pauper" songs everyday for the last month.

At 3, Grace is a true joy in our house. She is SO funny (like most toddlers are). Today she told Dave when she saw some dog poop, "look it's a doggy doodle!" I have no idea where she gets this stuff. She loves to sing, dance, color, play barbies, strawberry shortcake and dollhouse. She is a wonderful big sister. She is so caring to him, talks to him in a little baby voice, gives him whatever he needs, especially hugs and kisses. On that note, she is still a typical three year old, complete with tantrums and mood swings and lots of patience required of me. Good thing we love her so much!!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Two Peas in a Pod

I can't wait to see the friendship grow between these two. I know the future will hold arguments and drama between them, but I sure hope there is still a lot of this:

Monday, February 7, 2011

The New Normal

We have been really busy around here lately, but trying to keep occupied without going out often is no easy task. This is what we have been doing:

Keeping this little guy fed and happy.

Playing with Strawberry Shortcake and friends.

Practicing using the potty.

Sleeping whenever possible.

Dancing in princess dresses to the Glee soundtrack

...and singing.
And enjoying these precious gems.