Friday, June 11, 2010

The last two months!

I haven't posted anything new on this since Thad was born, and tomorrow he will be 2 months old!! Here are a bunch of pictures detailing some of the things that we have done.
This picture totallly makes me laugh. One night when Justin was at work, I decided to try to get a cute picture of the kids to send to him on his phone. This was the first picture, and I think that it is priceless! lol

Nap time at the Johnson household! The picture was even funnier right before I took it. Thad's hand was up higher above his head, but moved it slightly when I took the picture.

How to begin describing this.... LOL Justin's biological father has been married 5 times, and had children with 4 of the 5 women. (I think he adopted wife #5's 2 kids) Justin's mom was the first wife, and Justin was the first child. They divorced and Justin's mom remarried, and eventually Justin was adopted by his stepdad, and then sealed to them. There is so much to the story, to type EVERYTHING would be pure insantity. The summer of 2004 Justin's biological father got in contact with him. We will call him C. It started out pretty well, and they talked and gamed quite a bit for a year or two. Then the contact fizzled out for the most part. Just before Daphne was born, a woman named K contacted Justin. K was the 3rd wife, and she had 2 children with C. K was interested in getting into contact, so that her kids would be able to know their other half siblings. Justin wasn't interested in talking to her at that point in time, so I started talking to K. We have formed a friendship and chat often on the computer. At the end of last year, Justin started talking to K's son Wes. They discovered they played a lot of the same games online, and the friendship began. Before Thad was born, Wes said that he wanted to come out to Idaho when the baby was blessed. Last Sunday, Thad was blessed, and Wes flew in from Michigan a few days before so he could be here for it. This picture was taken at the airport, when the brother's saw each other for the first time. (There is no denying the family resemblence there, is there)
Here was Justin's birthday party. He decided to wait for his party until Wes would be here. It turned out to be pretty fun for the guys. There was a 42 in, 46 in and 27 in TV, and I believe that there were technically 4 xbox 360s as well. I ended up going to bed at 3:30, and Justin said that the last two ended up leaving at almost 6:30am. I am glad that Justin was able to have a fun time!
This is the blessing tux that my mom made for Thad. When I was pregnant with Abby, and before we knew we were having a girl, I put my mom on notice, that if I had a boy, I wanted a white tux for him to be blessed in. It turned out SOOOO cute! Thank you mom! (she stayed up til 4am so it could be done in time for the blessing!)
After the blessing, we had a BBQ for family and friends at my parents house. K and I devised a plan to surprise Wes. K's sister lives in Idaho, and Wes hadn't seen her since they moved from Idaho to Michigan 8 or 10 years ago. K's sister drove down, and joined us at the BBQ and surprised Wes. It was so funny to see his face when he finally recognized her. lol I am glad that we were able to be a part of that reunion.
Thad has still yet to smile for us. Well, other than in his sleep. Both of the girls were smiling within 3 weeks or so. He often has his brows furrowed, even in his sleep. I think he's going to be more serious than his sisters. LOL