Monday, May 25, 2009

2 teeth in 2 days!!

Abby lost another tooth today. It was already a little loose, but while playing around this evening, she hit her mouth and knocked the tooth almost completely out. It was hanging by a thread, so Justin yanked it out. I can't believe that she's already lost 2 teeth. I'm not ready for her to be this old!! At this rate, she's gonna need dentures by the time she's 6!

Tonight, while we were out, we were rear-ended. It wasn't bad...just a few scratches and dings...but frustrating none-the-less. I'm just glad that the girls weren't hurt. They barely even noticed.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Abby's first visit from the tooth fairy

Abby finally lost her first tooth this weekend. It's been loose for a while, and REALLY loose all week. I couldn't stomach trying to pull it out, and Justin was gone at work for most of the time. Yesterday was Justin's birthday and we had a little party for him. My brother came, and I told him how I couldn't pull it. So he went over to Abby and asked if he could pull it. She of course said no. So he said "come here, and let me see it " She opened her mouth to show him, just as he reached it and yanked it out. She was SOOO excited that it was finally out, and that the tooth fairy would finally be coming. She insisted on going to bed EARLY last night, which never happens, especially when we have people over at the house. Of course with the tooth out, I had to decide what the tooth fairy was going to bring. I finally decided on a dollar worth of change (mostly because that is all we could find laying around the house at 2am). I guesss she was SOOOOOOO excited this morning when she saw what was left for her.

As I said, yesterday was Justin's birthday. He took the day off from work and we had little get together for him. His parents got him a really nice gas grill for his birthday, so we grilled burgers, hung out and played Wii games. It was fun, and I think Justin had a good time being able to play games with a couple of his guy friends. The night finally wound up around 3am. The only thing that could have made it better would have been that the pizza that we ordered be delievered...but it wasn't..not word, nothing.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


The girls and I hitched a ride with my parents this weekend and went to visit my sister and her fmaily. While we were there, it was the pinewood derby. After a late night and too much fun with glitter and mod podge, the final results were astounding. Or something like that. :-) The princess car was Abby's car, and the butterfly/fairy one was my nieces.
Probably most surprising of all, was Daphne FINALLY warming up to Grandpa. We'll see how long it last, but she was actually liking him this weekend. It was cute so cute to watch her willingly go to him. :-)
My sister bought the matching outfits for the girls. They looked so cute. Unfortunately we weren't able to get a picture with all of them looking at the same time.
This was Emma's car.

Daphne cut through 4 teeth while we were down there, and Abby's loose tooth got A LOT wigglier (if that is even a word) I was expecting the tooth to be gone by the time we got home, but she stop messing with it. I expect any day we will have the first visit from the tooth fairy at this house.
Now I just need to catch up on all the laundry, again. As well as try to find my house, again.

Friday, May 1, 2009

So pretty

This little one LOOOOOOOOOVES necklaces. Luckily we have a lot to go around