We love the broncos at our house! :-)
Justin's reaction when he caught the first glimpse as awesome. He didn't realize it is as big as it is. The size and color is amazing.
The Big Nasty Hillclimb was last weekend. It was my 3rd year having a booth. It is always fun being out there. The year was a bit slower than the other years... Abby was sick most of the weekend, our help didn't show up when they were supposed it, then one of them hurt their arm and couldn't help the rest of the weekend... Then my uncle died...it really wasnt the best weekend.
Phoebe did really well considering the noise and the heat.
Forgot to mention school! Abby is now in 4th grade. She is In the advanced reading and math classes this year. Daphne started kindergarten. It is AMAZING at home on the days daphne is at school. Lol too bad it's only 2-3 days a week.
Daphne had to get glasses. (Which she broke in less than 23 hours of having them).