Monday, September 23, 2013

Where has the year gone??

We love the broncos at our house! :-)

We went to Justin's sisters wedding at the beginning of September. The three younger kids got to stay at my parents house. It was a very nice wedding, and I'm glad we were able to go. 

Since we were close, we decided to drive up to crater lake. Justin had never been, and I'd only been once, when I was 8 or 9.

Justin's reaction when he caught the first glimpse as awesome. He didn't realize it is as big as it is. The size and color is amazing.

The Big Nasty Hillclimb was last weekend. It was my 3rd year having a booth. It is always fun being out there. The year was a bit slower than the other years... Abby was sick most of the weekend, our help didn't show up when they were supposed it, then one of them hurt their arm and couldn't help the rest of the weekend... Then my uncle really wasnt the best weekend.

Phoebe did really well considering the noise and the heat.

Forgot to mention school! Abby is now in 4th grade. She is In the advanced reading and math classes this year. Daphne started kindergarten. It is AMAZING at home on the days daphne is at school. Lol too bad it's only 2-3 days a week. 

Daphne had to get glasses. (Which she broke in less than 23 hours of having them). 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Newest little one

Phoebe Jo was born last Thursday. 8lbs 10oz, 20 1/2 inches long. She is the best little baby.her siblings love her to pieces, and she LOVES to snuggle.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thankful Thursday

I'm going to try to be better about this.

I am so thankful for Justin. We have been married 9 1/2 years exactly today. He the a great father to our children, and such a great support to me! I can't imagine my life without him.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Life or something like it

This last week, we had the opportunity to get together with Justin's biological father. He was in town for a couple of hours, so we met up and had lunch. This was the third time Justin has seen him, (that he remembers) and the last two times were 7 years ago. It is a very interesting situation, but I'm proud of Justin and how he handles the situation. It will be interesting to see what happens with their relationship in the comings months/years.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


I haven't been on blogger for a couple of months, and now everything is different!  I have no idea what I am doing now.

The girls had their dance recital last week.  It was a lot of work, but a lot of fun.  Justin's cousin's wife runs a dance studio, and the last two years now, we've done a trade...I help with some of the cousins and backstage at the recital, and the girls get classes.  They love dance.  I have to toot my own horn too though, because the costumes I did turned out pretty dang cute!!

 I still can't believe how HUGE Daphne's eyes look in this picture!  So cute!!!  We had to practice putting on makeup a few times...Because I suck at it...I actually had to go to the dollarstore to buy some more makeup, because I don't own lipstick, or foundation...and only like 2 colors of eye shadow..  LOL

 I really wish that this picture turned out better...Their costumes looked awesome on stage!!

 Abby got to start a tap class this year...she did really well considering she only have 5 lessons or so!!  I can't wait to see what she does next year with more lessons! (and yes, I did their costumes too!  :-) )
 We went to the zoo with Grandma and Grandpa Davis and some of their cousins.

 Thad was so funny after seeing the penguins.  He had to hug each and every penguin statue they had....He is such a funny boy!!
I really do suck at blogging...not sure why I even do it....  LOL

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Such a fuffy kitty

Xavier has been slowly making himself at home. He is still pretty skittish around the kids, but at night, he comes out and hangs out with me and Justin. Xavier LOVES Dolly our other cat...He is always snuggling with her on the bed, or rubbing up against her. It's really cute to watch. It has been so fun to see him slowly making progress. He LOVES to be petted, and loves to play. Such a cute boy!!