Monday, July 23, 2012

It has been sooo long since I have posted anything on my blog. I acutally forgot my login name. Anyways, I am so glad it is hot summer and I can take my girls to the "beach" almost everyday. I love them so much and love being a mother. I am getting excited to meet our son (not for another 8-10 weeks) Gracee and Preslee are excited too. I start my last semester of my BSN next month and then have my baby the following month. It is going to be a busy next couple of months so I am trying to enjoy my last month of laziness....

Monday, April 18, 2011


I am so happy to announce that I am going back to SCHOOL. I have been accepted to the Weber State University BSN Nursing Program. I am nervous and excited to go back to school. It has been 5 years since I have been in school. I hope that I do well and that I survive it!! When I told Gracee yesterday that I was accepted she yelled WAHOO momma is going to school. I hope I make my girls and husband proud...

Friday, February 4, 2011

Preslee Jayne

Little Miss Preslee... She is such a cutie bug. I love her sweet spirit. She makes us smile and laugh. Her little personality is really starting to come out. She brings such calmness into our home. She is such a clam and chill baby. She only cries when she is tired. I think she was made that way because Gracee is always telling me to "put pressy down" so that she can have my full attention. I love you Preslee.

Gracee Michelle

Gracee is so much fun. I love everything about her. Even her sassy attitude. She is such a doll. I love to play, bake, sing, dance, cook, and read with her. She is 100% girly. She asks me everyday if I will put make-up on her. I am so grateful for her in my life.


It has been way too long since I last posted. I am hoping to post more frequently. Lets just say having an active toddler and a five month old is tough. I don't know how women can have more than TWO kids. Its tough!!! 2010 brought great things to our family. Including our BEAUTIFUL Preslee Jayne Knight. She was born on August 19 and is so much fun. I love having 2 girls. I was sad when I found out I was having yet another girl, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Gracee is so much fun too. She bring us so much laughter and love everyday. She says some really funny things. Yesterday Dace and I celebrated our FIVE year anniversary. We made it!! lol. Gracee told her dad "happy nursery today dad" How cute is that. Gracee and Preslee are starting to play together and I love watching them, but with that it means monitoring Gracee closely to make sure she doesn't try to be to much of a "helper."
I love my amazing husband so much. I am so grateful for all he does for me and our girls. He is such a great example to me. He makes me want to be a better person. I love waking up to him the mornings that I don't work. (since I work 3 nights a week, I don't always get to sleep and wake up next to him. I hate that about working night) Thanks Dace for an amazing FIVE years. You are my hero. I love you forever. I look forward to our future together!!
I am really excited for spring mainly to get out of the house and take my girlies for walks. I love spring and summer. I love the warmth, birds singing, sprinklers watering the grass, lawnmowers mowing, and the blue, blue sky... I can not wait for the warm weather hopefully heading our way in the next few months!!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Dace and Jared on a rock with noting but cliffs around them. And yes, I was very mad!!

Gracee would rest her cup on Dace's head while hiking.

My cute little family

Lindsey and her cute family.


Corona Arch

The family under Corona Arch

We went to Moab a couple of weeks ago. It is a fun place to go. Dace's brother and his family moved down there and we were able to go spend the weekend with them. We decided to go on a 3 mile hike to see the Corona Arch. It was so beautiful me being 7 months pregnant and wearing flip flops. I kept saying I wanna come back when I am not pregnant. I think I would enjoy it more which would make Dace enjoy it more too. We will for sure go back and go hiking and enjoy the beautiful scenery.


We had such a blast in CANCUN! . My mom and dad were able to go with us and my sister and brother-in-law came the last half of the trip. We played in the beach and the pool the entire time. I lost my camera towards the end of the trip and had to use a back up one. Gracee loved every minute of Cancun. Our hotel had a swing set and little house for Gracee to play on. When we were leaving to come home she said "bye bye Cancun." It was so sweet. We really enjoyed our trip.

Friday, May 28, 2010


Gracee with her Aunt and Cousins

Gracee being Gracee!!
Gracee is so much fun to have! She is getting so big. In 2 months she is turning 2 and I CAN NOT believe it. She is talking so much, putting sentences together, and always surprising us with new things she says and does. She loves to tease and be teased! She is excited to have a baby sister although I don't think she quite understands what it will mean. I am grateful to have her in my life and to be a Mother.