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Monday, October 26, 2009

40 Weeks & 5 Days

So I'm overdue. Here's a picture of me today - hoping this will be my last belly shot as I am scheduled to be induced this week.
As for milestones, there really hasn't been any change. I feel pretty good, sleep has been decent, and I'm just ready to meet this little girl.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Today is my due date!

I can't believe this day is finally here. All I have to say is YAHOOOOO! Well, for now anyways.... :)

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"One" of my Due Dates

So I was just sitting here thinking that today, October 14, is the day I thought I could be having my baby. At my 12 week sonogram, the doctor wanted to change my due date to 1 week ahead. My OB, however, said it's just a target date and we'd stick with the 21st. Then at the 20 week sonogram, Baby B measured exactly 1 week ahead and the sonogram tech wondered why my doc hadn't changed my due date to the 14th. And finally, at a sonogram I had at 35 weeks, the sonogram tech again measured Baby B exactly 1 week ahead. I guess my doctor may have known better than them, huh? :) Let's hope she surprises us sometime in the next 7 days!

Monday, October 12, 2009

39 Weeks

[I thought I'd add a picture representing my 39 week belly. I don't do this often but thought since I'm nearing the end, those of you who haven't seen me could get a quick glimpse before Baby B makes her debut!]

Another week closer to meeting Baby B! This week's dr. appointment went well. I saw a different dr. as mine will be out of town for the next week. He estimated the baby to weigh about 8 1/2 - 9 pounds right now, and also thinks I'll go past my due date. Yippee - not! If she's that big now, how big will she be if I go past my due date?! I go back next Wednesday for my 40 week appointment and if I'm still in the same situation, we'll talk about inducing within the following week - possibly on/around Oct. 26. So, that's that. Now I just need to try to figure out how to relax and enjoy the next week and a half (which is really nothing!). Here are my milestones for the week.

How far along? 39 weeks
Maternity clothes? had to buy some cool weather clothes to get through the weekend
Sleep: lots of tossing and turning
Best moment this week: thinking I had dropped (but I think she moved back up...) :(
Movement: not as "big" of movements - she must be running out of room; still feel waves of movement across my belly though
Food cravings: Mexican food
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: none, nada, zip, zilch
Belly Button in or out? poking out a little but not all the time
What I miss: waking up feeling rested
What I am looking forward to: no more heartburn
Weekly Wisdom: enjoy the time of having an "inside" baby - spend quality time with the husband
Milestones: another week closer to meeting Baby B

Monday, October 5, 2009

38 Weeks

Another week has passed and I'm still feeling good! I'm a little tired, but resting as much as I can. We had no progress this week at the dr. so it looks like we likely won't be meeting Baby B this week. But that's ok - I'll definitely use this time to get ready and get some rest before the big day. Here are some milestones for the last week.

How far along? 38 weeks
Weight gain: 0 this week and last
Maternity clothes? Yeah and now I'm challenged with fall clothes - limited clothing items for these last weeks!
Sleep: Pretty good
Best moment this week: delivery of our dream rocker! :)
Movement: been great! over the weekend, she "danced" to Meet Virginia - I've ever experienced her moving a ton when listening to music but when that song played, she moved like crazy!
Food cravings: Anything pumpkin! I had a Pumpkin Pie Blizzard and Pumpkin Pie/Pecan Pie Cheesecake - yum!
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? seems to be peeking out sometimes, but generally, it's in
What I miss: driving w/o my belly touching the steering wheel
What I am looking forward to: Maternity leave!
Weekly Wisdom: Sleep! (everyone tells me this)
Milestones: I'd say 38 weeks is milestone enough! :)