Milestones for the last 2 weeks (I missed an update!):
How far along? 33 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: +25 lbs. (I wasn't told my weight gain this week so I'm skipping this!)
Maternity clothes? Yes
Sleep: what's that? I'm not tired at night, wake up several times once I finally do fall asleep, then am tired in the morning. The waking every hour thing isn't fun (as I'm sure my new snoring/heavy breathing tricks aren't fun for Brad!)
Best moment this week: delivery of the changing table system!
Movement: I can feel and see her moving all the time - I just started feeling hard spots that feel like they could be a foot or hand or something. So weird, but totally cool!
Food cravings: orange juice
Gender: Girl!
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? in
What I miss: being comfortable
What I am looking forward to: organizing the nursery/changing table system
Weekly Wisdom: I have to remind myself not to get to the dr. too early (I'm usually really good about arriving exactly on time, but went early to run another errand first this week.) No matter when you get there, you still have to wait. Seems crazy when I'm actually only there like 10 minutes or less for my visit... This week's visit, I was there a total of an hour for a less than 10 minute appointment. But I did get my flu shot!
Milestones: More like "news" instead of milestones. At this week's appointment I was 32w5d but baby/belly measured around 35 weeks. Yikes! Dr. said we could be looking at a big baby. He'll keep an eye on her growth over the next 4-6 weeks, and if she's still growing by leaps and bounds, he'll do a sonogram to try to get a better idea how big she really is. Slow down lady! (ok not really - I'd be happy with a big healthy girl!)
14 years ago