Today Calista is taking her best friends to a very special place
This is my favourite shop in the word!
Wow! I like these cars! Is this a toy shop?
Well, you'll see it's much more than that!
If my hero Leonardo da Vinci could see this place, he'd love it like me...
...It's a robot shop!
Here you can find kits to learn to design, assemble and program your own robots!
Be careful!!! The robot scorpion will sting you!
And you can also find domestic robots like the roomba or social robots like Pleo...
But please, be nice, it's not a horse! It's only a baby dinousaur!
And what do you think of the chance to build and control your own robotic arm?
And what do you think of the chance to build and control your own robotic arm?
And now I'll Introduce you the most advanced robot around here: the great Darwin OP!
Among many other things, he can play soccer autonomously.
Come on C.J., play with him!
Darwin's too good for me! It's the Messi of the robot league!
I think even Elsa preffers Darwin to the old fashioned Chiki Chiki...
And what about the gadgets department robots?
Maybe they are not so intelligent or useful, but they are cute!
You can also find vintage robot girls...
...and japanese strange hearted robots!
You can start building robots since you are very young...
...and continue having fun and learning with them through all your life!
And now, let's have a race: hexbugs against deskpets!
If you have any question, you can always count on the professional and helpful ro-botica staff!
Oh, it's time to go! Let's take a picture with our new robot friends!
Thank you, we had so much fun!
We promise to come back soon to ro-botica!
Once at home, Calista teaches to her friends how to assemble a robot
You see, it's not that difficult!
Wow, we've made it!
We have made our own bug robot able to follow lines and react to sounds!
Thank you for sharing with us this amazing robotic world!
If you want to know more about robots, just go to and enjoy!