Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Our first family gingerbread Christmas Tree! Brynlyn and mom get to do the fun part, decorating with candy!
Chad and Brynlyn working very hard to make the perfect gingerbread tree!

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Decorating a Christmas Tree can be very serious business! For Brynlyn it seemed extremely important to get the ornaments on just right. This year is very different at our house, over half the decorations will be staying in there containers due to the Toddler running about rearranging and saying hi to all the breakable snowmen and Santa's. We have a very plain Christmas Tree except the one section right in front where Brynlyn keeps putting everything.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


The rules:
A. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning.
B. Each player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves.
C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog

1.I am a clean/organizing freak! I have relaxed a bit since having a child to help me undo my organizing. Chad had to put up with my picky little quirks, like how the bathroom, kitchen, etc... are organized and they better stay that way!
I have learned to let go, although I still scrub house each week, now I have my second thing to concentrate on.

2.BRYNLYN is such an amazing gift from our Heavenly Father! Chad and I are so blessed to have our little spitfire to keep us busy! Like Brit (who tagged me), I can stay amused just watching my daughter most of the day. Brynlyn is such a busy body and if I am ignoring her even for a second she grabs my hand and says "Mom SIT Now, play". So I stop and we play.

3.Being a PARENT, is one of the best thing's ever! But one of the hardest full time jobs I have ever had. Sharing this opportunity with Chad is fabulous! (I get teased by the boy's in my house for using the word fabulous a lot). We have such different opinions growing up in two very different places, it's a good thing we have the gospel to keep us grounded and headed towards the same goal's! My husband is the best, so calm and loving even when I get grouchy he just laughs at me and teases to make things more light hearted! Love him with all my heart!

4.I love love love to Scrapbook and be crafty, Brynlyn will sit under my desk or on top and use her markers to color while I Scrap away. I have spent entire day's scrapbooking stopping only to grab a snack and take a bathroom break (before Brynlyn was born)! It is more than just a hobby for me, my day's tend to revolve around what pictures would look great with what layout and colors to use. I even have a sketch book with ideas, titles, thoughts, pictures that I need to take, etc... It is for sure an obsession!

5.I love to work out and stretch, so my little Brynlyn helps me stretch each morning by jumping on my stomach while I do crunches or she pulls my feet down and moves them around if she thinks they need to be moved! Life is so entertaining with a toddler around, nothing can ever be done the same way as before. But, I LOVE IT!

6.THE Gospel and my family are the most important thing's in my life! We are very blessed to live in a cultasac with a good portion of Chad's family, we go for walks across the street to see Grammy, kitty's and Tux (dog) almost everyday. Living with Uncle Dick, as Brynlyn calls him has brought a lot of blessing to our life's. I can't imagine not having two grown men in the house to tease me about my cooking, decorating, crafting, and fashion statements. Moving a few hour's away from my Parents has helped me to gain a wonderful best friend relationship with my mom, and when we spend time together it is just that much better Like having a sister!
I am very blessed to have two church calling's, one on the enrichment committee so I get to be crafty and decorate for events and organize. Two, I teach relief Society every other month, and wow is that humbling... but the sister's are always so sweet and have plenty to say to keep me at ease!

Once I started typing, I thought of many more than six thing's but that would be so much to read... So thanks for sticking with me through all that. I am very grateful for all my friends new and old and hope to keep in touch forever! I am extremely blessed. I almost forgot to tag others... Aubrey, Heather L., Kim, Heather W., Angela and Andrea.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I just love this picture of Brynlyn! You can see her sparkly eyes, and bright smile... she is growing up way to fast.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Our little Pumpkin

Brynlyn trying to sneak away with Uncle Dicks cell phone. Tricky little pumpkin.

Not sure about the strange little talking witch on our neighbors front steps. More CANDY Please! At least she is sharing with Mom and Dad.

It's all about the pumpkin.

Brynlyn loved exploring amongst the pumpkins and talking to all the other kids.. especially baby's, searching for there pumpkin's! She did not want to stop long enough for a family picture... so this is what we got. Once we returned home, Brynlyn thought gutting the pumpkin was very ewwwwww.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

I saw this on our friend Morgan's page and thought it was so fun, Very cool that Brynlyn looks like both of us equally!!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

This toy was going to be a Christmas present for our little Monkey! But, she is climbing all over the furniture under the pool table with the dust bunny's and I have even found her in the tub with books and other toy's during the day! So Chad decided to order this climbing toy.
Now this is what Brynlyn wants to do! While I make breakfast she is climbing, sliding, falling, diving and playing Peeka Boo with me... Best toy EVER!

Our little Girl has a security blanket and Doggy! We don't leave the house without one or both of these items. I have had to purchase 3 of these blankets to ensure we always have a clean one that's ready to be thrown in a dipaer bag or stroller!
I am so lucky to stay at home with my sweet little girl and watch her learn and grow every minute... we have tons of fun exploring the world!

August 18, 2007
Brynlyn, Wyndee, Aubrey, Andrea, Margene
Andrea's baby shower!

Saturday, September 29, 2007

We recently had family photo's taken on Wyndee's side for the first time in Eight Years!

May 11, 2007

Chad, Wyndee & Brynlyn Worthen

Kurt, Carl, Margene, Charles, Marjorie,

Farah, Amanda, Lydia, Jared, Damen,
Justin, Wyndee, Brynlyn, Chad

FOUR Generations!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Brynlyn & Kinlee having fun!

Our little Scrapbooker...

Brynlyn loves to sit under my desk when I am working on a project and go through the drawers handing me everything... being so helpful!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Brynlyn's First Birthday Party Luau!

Brynlyn's First Step's

Brynlyn's first steps!!! Chad was out of town for a work trip, and Wyndee was in the other room but came running when everyone hollered! So we missed the very first steps. Brynlyn was in the kitchen with Grampy, Grammy, and Uncle Dick. Grampy put her on the counter and she headed straight for Dick. Grammy had her cell phone so it's a grainy video but still way cute! April 1, 2007 Brynlyn 9 months old!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Brynlyn's 1st Birthday

Brynlyn's Birthday morning! June 5, 2007. She loved her highchair decorations but was not sure what to do with the hat.

March 2006

Brynlyn 9 months... Ewww, grass feels funny!

We love to play outside, but Brynlyn is not sure about the texture of grass, dirt or cement. Makes for some very funny faces and such cute pictures.

December 2006... Brynlyn is 6 months old!
Family Picture 9-30-2006
Wyndee, Chad and Brynlyn Worthen (3 months old)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Brynlyn is such a cutie... 3 Days OLD!

Our Family has grown by two Feet!

JUNE 5, 2006 Brynlyn M. Worthen arrived at 10:21 pm after 18 hours of labor. Such a happy cute family!

Our Second HONEYMOON just a few weeks after the first! Rome, Italy... So amazing!!!

OUR First HONEYMOON! Snowboarding, Snow Fights, Sleeping and More...