Sunday, October 31, 2010

Family Pictures

A couple weeks ago, Darrell’s dad was awesome and took some family pictures for us for this year.  Despite Steven acting like a typical 3-year old, we had a lot of fun, and got some fun pictures!

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Wednesday, October 13, 2010

9 Months Old!


I cannot believe my baby is already 9 months old! It was even more crazy to me after her nine month well-child visit, I scheduled her One Year check-up.  She’s growing up way too fast.

Anyway, stats for 9 months:

Weight: 18 lb 4 oz – 41 percentile

Height: 27 inches – 33 Percentile

Head Circum:  46 cm – 94 percentile  (She must be related to her brother..)


Lillie loves:


Her mommy

Playing with Daddy

Steven’s toys


She also signed her first word last week - “more.”   She was eating cereal, and I looked over and she was signing it. To make sure she was actually doing it, I asked her if she wanted more.  She smiled, and signed it again.  She’s growing up :)




ama ma


She can’t crawl yet, but loves to sit and play with her toys. It’s even more convenient that her brother always dumps a billion toys in her lap to play with.  She loves to roll around the floor to get where she wants to go, and is starting to figure out the swim scoot.

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Sunday, October 03, 2010

Darrell Mission Reunion

This week has been a long week, with the kids being sick all week, and myself joining their ranks on Friday.  Thanks to my sister, coming to watch the kids, and thanks to ibuprofen eliminating my fever and aches, I was able to go with Darrell to Sundance to his mission reunion from the Australia Melbourne Mission.  The drive up to Sundance was beautiful, even though a lot of the leaves have already changed color and lost a lot of leaves.  I made Darrell stop by Bridal Veil Falls on the way up so I could take pictures DSCF5636

The view from the Overton’s cabin was AMAZING.  That’s about the only word I can think of to describe it.  The colors were not super fantastic, but it was still beautiful.

 DSCF5639 DSCF5640 DSCF5643 DSCF5645 DSCF5647 DSCF5649 The few folks that were there long enough to get a group pictureDSCF5651

Rowley Family Trip

Last weekend, we headed to St. George for our yearly family trip with my family.  It was lots of fun, and it was good to see almost everyone. (A few had to stay home with chicken pox).  Anyway, to break up the trip to St. George, we stopped at Cove Fort for a little bit to look around and explore DSCF5479 DSCF5480

Thursday night when we got St. George, we went to Fiesta Fun with one of my brother’s and his family.  Steven had fun in the kid zone, and especially had fun miniature golfing.   DSCF5482 DSCF5485 DSCF5486 Our view of the temple from the golf course was fabulous.  I grow to love the St. George temple more every time I see it.  If it weren’t so blasted hot down there, I would try to convince Darrell that we should move there :)  DSCF5493

On Friday, we all headed to Snow Canyon for lots of exploring and fun times with the family.    DSCF5498 DSCF5502 DSCF5506 DSCF5507 DSCF5511 DSCF5521 DSCF5537 DSCF5541After hiking and lunch, we all went to the Sand Hollow Aquatic Center.   Steven absolutely LOVED the giant waterslide, even though he had to wear a life jacket. It was fun.This is what he looked like at the end of the day. :)DSCF5495

Saturday we went to the Brighan Young Winter Home, the St. George Tabernacle and lunch with everyone before heading back to Cedar City.  Darrell watched the BYU game at my brothers house, while I went to the RS Broadcast with my good friend, Christie.  Christie and Todd were awesome to let us stay at their house, and Christie and I had great time staying up late talking.  Sunday was my 24th birthday, and also the twins, Ava and Wyatt, blessing day.  They were darling, and I’m glad I could share their special day with them!! DSCF5550 DSCF5558 DSCF5567 DSCF5579My brother Daniel is a volunteer fire-fighter, and so when we took chairs and tables back to the fire station, Steven got to see the firetrucks, and Darrell even got to go down a fire pole :)  DSCF5585

Little Lillie Lou


Steven loves to call Lillie “Lillie Lou.” Sometimes he’ll just call her Lou. It’s pretty cute.  Anyway, she is 8 months old now, and I wanted to post some cute pictures of fun times with her.  Particularly her loves for crookneck squash.

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