Thursday, May 13, 2010

Tulip Fest

Back in April, we went with my sister, parents, and grandparents to Tulip Fest over yonder at Thanksgiving Point. I was a little disappointed that the colder spring made the tulips not quite as amazing as last year, but we still had fun nonetheless. Steven's favorite part was most definitely the golf cart. Lillie's favorite part was sleeping on Darrell's shoulder. What a great time, eh? :) Here are just some random snapshots from the day.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lately around here...

I have remembered to take just hasn't been cooperating. I guess I should read it Steven's latest favorite book : The Fraggles Cooperate...
Anyway. In the last little while:
Our princess turned 3 months old! Tummy time has been getting more exciting (lovingly known as belly time to steven) Steven has turned pinewood derby cars into roller skates...
I've had fun playing with my baby
Steven has realized the joy of pictures with Lillie...
Steven has developed his own sense of style...
and share his style with his sister
We actually got a good family picture
Steven has become more silly...
We love visits to Grandma's house
Have enjoyed weddings of great friends!
Saw great friends at weddings
Saw my friend and her new baby :)
It's been great! hopefully I'll be better at catching up soon!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Thoughts for the day...

On this beautiful sunny morning, I decided to try and actually get up, and be spiritually productive before my cute kiddos woke up. My thoughts directed me to my "church journal" from my first year in college. I want to just list a few of my favorite "thoughts" that I wrote down throughout that year
  • "Are we more concerned about the building or the tree?" - 9/26/05
  • '"Our bodies give us an automatic advantage over the advosary'" - Joseph Smith 10/05/05
  • "Don't be too focused to the point that we can't see the good that is still here on the earth" - 10/12/05
  • "Forgiveness is not to show that you're a good person. It is to bring peace to your heart."
  • 10/26/05
  • "It is wholesome and proper to look at things and have them be symbolic of Christ." 11/07/05
  • "What would I be willing to give up now to receive the effects of Redemption?" 01/05/06
  • "If you truly humble yourself, God will bless you and you shall be able to endure to the end." 01/17/06
  • "Repentecne isn't something you can stop by Wal-Mart and pick up when you need it. It requires a complete change of heart and help from our Savior, Jesus Christ." 01/19/06
  • "We must come to know Christ now, so when He shows himself unto us we can know to fall at His feet." 02/23/06
  • "By following Christ's constant teaching, we can be informed of laws that will help us now in our day." 02/28/06
  • "God allows the advosary to tempt, so that we might gain strength in Christ to destroy the advosary." - 03/16/06
  • "Joseph Smith was able to love because he knew Christ. No matter what happened, he still loved. He didn't harbor hard feelings toward those whom persecuted him." 03/28/06

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Two and a Half!

This straping young handsome lad turned 2 and a half this week! I can't believe he is growing up so fast, and he is definitely my little buddy!
Some of Steven's favorite things are:
His grandmas and grandpas
His aunts and uncles
His Cousins
Chicken Nuggets and Dip
Hot Dog and "roni's"
Yogurt and Cereal
Loving his little sister (some might call this bugging his little sister)
Drawing with markers
Playing Games
Reading Books
Singing Songs
Favorite songs:
I Am a Child of God
I Love to See the Temple
Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Follow the Prophet
You Are My Sunshine
Some of my favorite words or phrases of Steven's: (cause he just says them so cute!)
Oh my dosh!
Princess Lillie, Where are you?
Mommy so cute!
Go church, play nursery, play games, eat pretzels
No way
Mom, come too?
Mom, carry you! (Meaning, hold my hand and lead me)
Play with me, please
Jammies dirty, we wash em. All clean now!

2 Months Old!

Can't believe this little lady is growing up so fast! She turned 2 months on Saturday
At 2 Months Lillie:
Weighs -11 lbs 6 oz (66th percentile)
Is - 23.25 inches long (82nd percentile)
To be snuggled
Her thumb
Talking and Cooing

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Lillie's Blessing Day

After a frazzled week of trying to get my house company-presentable (I felt like it was ready at 11:33 p.m. saturday evening) Sunday morning dawned beautiful because it was Lillie's Blessing Day! It was great to have tons of family and a few friends come!
Lillie got to wear my blessing dress, and I thought it turned out absolutely beautiful! Darrells reaction when I first got the dress from my mom was, "'s not as old fashioned as I thought it would be." Gee thanks honey! How old do you think I am?? :) We are a happy family!
Grandparents with Lillie
4-generation photo - My grandma - Genevieve Farnsworth, My mom - Colleen Rowley, Me and lil Lillie :)
I think my sister captured this one...and needless to say, I love it. I realized about a week ago that nobody has taken any pictures of me with my daughter since the day she was born (and those were only the family photos!) and that made me very very sad. So I cherish this one even more.
Steven loves his little sister :)

Catching up is hard to do...

A week and a half ago now, we had lots of family help us...
Clean....Load up the U-Haul Fawn over the darling baby...
And say good-bye to what has been our home now for almost two years...
A say hello to our new home! It was a busy busy day, but we got everything moved over and ready to make this our new home!
This is the living room...
This is the Master Bathroom...
And here is my kitchen.
Week One in our new house was HORRID! But hey, it's over, we're settled, and Steven no longer asks to "go home" every day. Hopefully once he's over this retched cold, we can start having some real fun!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

1 Month Old Already!

We cannot believe yesterday marked Lillie's one-month mark since coming into our family. She is such a joy and we just love love love her! (Especially Steven. He almost shows a little too much love sometimes. Especially when she starts crying. He starts shouting "Lillie crying Lillie crying" over and over again like we didn't know :) )
She has started smiling at us, and she definitely has a darling smile!
We did some of our own measurements, and albeit they're not very good, we estimate the little lady to be in between 8 and a half and 9 lbs, and she is about 21 and 3/4 inches long. Our little sleeping beauty. And yes, she does sleep a LOT! :)

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Good ol' Steven

Steven has definitely been making life exciting lately :) I just needed to blog some of these things so I always remember how much he has been making us laugh.

-He has started calling Lillie "Little Lady" and "Lillie Lady." Definitely cute.

While driving his cars around, he said, "Where ya goin? Goin' school. Be right back!" Today they were "goin meetings."

He absolutely loves the show "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" and now whenever he can't find something, or something is broken he says "Mousekatools will help us!"

I honestly have no idea where he picked up "Oh my gosh!" but it's been his phrase the last two days. I've heard it in some of the following phrases: "Oh my gosh! Find the keys!" "Where chair go? Oh my gosh!" "Mommy's shoes! Oh my gosh!"

As we were getting ready to go to the store today, he couldn't get the coat closet door to close, and finally after trying a couple times said, "Ug, stupid door."

He LOVES to sing any song he can remember, and when he sings he starts to slur the words together because he's trying to sing so you get 10 points if you can tell what he's trying to sing and play in the video :)