Sunday, November 23, 2008

They Grow Up So Fast...

We were at the park yesterday morning and I realized that the time with our kids is going by too quickly. They are all growing up so fast. Here are some pictures we took of our fun morning at the park. Enjoy....

Click to play Playing at the Park

Matthew's DARE Graduation

All of the 5th Graders have a DARE class as part of their curriculum for the first 2 months of school, and this week he "graduated" from DARE. DARE stands for Drug and Alcohol Resistance Education, which teaches the kids about the dangers of using drugs and alcohol. The police officer in charge of the class made it really fun for the kids, so they enjoyed the night celebrating their success together.
Click to play DARE Graduation

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Let Freedom Ring!!

Ashley had a 3rd grade performance on Veteran's Day. They had invited Veterans from the community to come and be honored. Surprisingly, there were many Veterans there. The 3rd graders sang patriotic songs and at the end had a crowd sing-along. It was nice to see someone honoring the Veterans and it was especially nice to feel so patriotic!

This is Ashley singing with the other 3rd Graders.
Here are Emily and Matthew enjoying the singing.

Here is Troy yelling from the back row "Hi Hash, Hi Hash!"

(That's how Troy says Ash).

Sunday, November 9, 2008

This Week's Soccer Highlights

Click to play Matthew's 3rd Soccer Gam

These are Matthew's thoughts about this week's soccer game...

Ashley Gone Fishing!!

Click to play Ashley Gone Fishing

Ashley has been in the Fishing Club at school for the past 6 weeks. (Only in Texas, right?) They have been teaching them how to fish, TEXAS-STYLE! Ashley had the chance to put all of her new skills to work & she caught a big one! It was so big that she struggled to pull it in!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Click to play Happy Halloween!

We had a great Halloween. It is still weird to have the temperature be in the 80's on Halloween, but I guess after 8 Halloweens in the south we should be used to it! It was a beautiful night to be out & spend time together as a family.

Oh I Just Can't Wait to Be King!

Click to play King Matthew
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