Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Elizabeth's 5th Birthday

Time flies by... Elizabeth celebrated her 5th birthday on January 2nd. I can't believe she is already five. We celebrated on her birthday with a butterfly cake (she chose the cake colors & decorations) and she wanted homemade macaroni and cheese for dinner. Last week we did her party with her friends, which was so much fun. She had 5 little girls over from her primary class at church. They dressed up like princesses, had a princess cake, princess games & activities, and we had a great time celebrating her birthday.

We are so glad to have such a sweet, beautiful little girl as our youngest little princess. We love you Elizabeth!

Click to play Elizabeth's 5th Birthday

Merry Christmas 2008!

We had a wonderful Christmas. My parents came from Utah and we got to spend time with family. It was such a great week! It was so nice to have a break. We are still trying to get back into the swing of things! This smilebox slide show is really long... sorry. I made this one especially for all of our family and friends that are far away and don't get to see our kids much!

Click to play Christmas 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Family Pictures

About a month ago we had family pictures taken. I am so happy with how they turned out! The kids are finally old enough (well, mostly) to sit still and smile. It was really cold that morning (by our standards anyway) and we hadn't dressed for cold weather. Ashley and Elizabeth were really cold because they were in short sleeves. They would quickly take off their coats and smile for the pictures, and then quickly put them back on. Aren't family pictures always an adventure? Enjoy!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

A Day of Choir Performances

Yesterday was filled with choirs... Matthew had a choir tour where he performed at the school, a retirement home, and a mall. Then last night was Emily's Winter Choir Festival at her school. I was very impressed with how good the choirs sounded.

This is Matthew with his choir. They have been practicing 2 mornings every week since school started. The hard work and time payed off. They sounded really good.

This is Emily with her choir. We couldn't get her to smile for a picture! They sounded incredible for a 6th grade choir! It is fun to see them performing and enjoying music as much as they do!

Monday, December 8, 2008

Putting up the Tree

I love holiday traditions! Putting up the tree happens to be one of my favorite. It always looks nice when it is done and the mess is cleaned up! Here are some pictures of us putting our tree together & decorating it.

Click to play Putting up the Tree

Monday, December 1, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving this year! Ben & Karen's family, from Dallas area, and our friends, the Lee's from New Orleans, came for Thanksgiving. We had a great weekend, with lots of great food, family & friends.
We had our annual Pie Night on Wednesday night, enjoying 7 different pies this year: apple, cherry, razzleberry, chocolate cream, coconut cream, banana cream, and lemon merengue pie. We saved the pumpkin pies for Thanksgiving Day! Here are some pictures of our fun Thanksgiving!
We hope you had a great Thanksgiving too!

Click to play Thanksgiving

Sunday, November 23, 2008

They Grow Up So Fast...

We were at the park yesterday morning and I realized that the time with our kids is going by too quickly. They are all growing up so fast. Here are some pictures we took of our fun morning at the park. Enjoy....

Click to play Playing at the Park