Saturday, February 04, 2023
Old Friends For Sale
Friday, December 09, 2022
Brittney Griner's Return
Welcome Home, Hero
Friday, November 25, 2022
The Last Days of the Hurricane Cafe
Saturday, November 05, 2022
It Isn't Over
Every morning, I wake up and I say; "Why did I have to be born in the stupid country...?"
This is the problem, this bit, right here; "I'll never forget what the DEMOCRATS did".
When people ask me why I've become so militant, why won't I "reach across the aisle", why won't I sit at the table, I point to this: these people exist, in large groups, propagating their insanity. You can;t reason with someone who didn't use reason to arrive at their conclusions in the first place.
This whiny, temper-tantrum bleating about suffering the consequences of a virus the Right decided, from the very beginning, to ignore, deny, and then ridicule and abuse everyone who took it seriously.
People died on hospital waiting room floors because Republicans screamed that their rights were being trampled. Children died waiting for ventilators that never came, because rich assholes like Herman Cain usurped them, in their final moments. Thousands of hospital staff worldwide collapsed from exhaustion, while begging relatives of those infected to please, please, use some goddamned common sense.
And still, they didn't listen. They WOULDN'T listen.
I personally lost more than a dozen friends to Covid, and many, many more were infected, lived, and are now suffering from Long Covid.
And because the conspiracy cult that is the Republican party today demanded that they be allowed to cough on anyone they pleased, people lost their jobs. Schools closed, businesses closed, many never to reopen again.
This forced a new paradigm on America, that only a select few of us truly understood: our old way of life is gone, and we must now learn to live in this new age of the death microbe.
But still, to this day (and presumably, for decades into the future - Republicans are nothing, if not consistent in stupidity) they not only deny it really exists (plandemic) , but that it's the Democrats fault for the aftermath.
The Fuck Around group has begun to Find the Fuck Out - and the taste isn't to their liking.
After the incalculable loss to not only America, but the entire world, I can only say this:
Cry me a river, you sons of bitches.
Cry me a fucking ocean, for all of me.
The pandemic isn't over, not by a long shot - and for the first time since the inception, Whites are now exceeding the infection rate of all other ethnic groups. So the predominately White Conservative party (excluding a few Uncle Toms still trying to carry water for the White hierarchy), are beginning to feel the hammer they thought only the other nails would get.
I've been criticized, chastised, scorned and excluded for pointing this out to the more "idealist" of my fellows, and to them, I can only say this: It isn't over. And what's coming next will be an experiment in death-by-stupidity.
Because if there's one thing I've discovered, it's that the more the Right suffers from shooting itself in the dick, the louder they cry that it's the Left's fault.
And while we're doing everything we can just to stay afloat in this sea of Right-wing bullshit, they'll do their level best to take us down with them. Just watch and see if they don't.
It isn't over.
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Uptown Girl
"Look! A Black guy!"
Kelly Loeffler is a good example of what happens when you take the King's shilling, and probably sets the record for one of the shortest terms ever served (one year) that didn't end in assassination.
...not that Trump probably didn't throw that on the table, at some point.
When it came down to her and Reverend Raphael Warnock in the home stretch, Loeffler showed serious feet of clay when Trump grabbed her by the pussy and demanded she join him in challenging the Georgia election results - her recently released emails show she tried to walk a line between reality and Trump’s supporters.
Reality eventually lost...and so did she. (I've been waiting a year to make that joke.)
When Ted "Making a Run to Cancun" Cruz pressured Loeffler to sign a letter challenging Biden’s victory and calling for election audits, Loeffler’s aide warned her, “you can’t afford not to be on it.”
'Ya gotta wonder what school these "aides" are coming from, with advice like that.
She didn’t sign it, but when Trump threatened to abandon her, she publicly supported challenging the election results in exchange for his appearance at a rally. She actually asked aides to make sure Trump retweeted her statement “so I don’t get booed off the stage!”
And she lost anyways.
This is one of dozens of examples coming to light, of how easily people who, already loyal Nazis, can get sucked into the vortex of absolute crazy to win the vox populi. Sometimes, you're just so happy someone asked you to the prom, you don't stop to think whose hands are gonna be digging around in your pants when the lights go out.
Right now, Loeffler is sitting in her million dollar gazebo, getting railed from behind by Juan, the Mexican poolboy she adopted after deporting his family, wondering what the hell just happened - and how did that Black guy from public housing beat her all-American White girl image..
And she probably regrets that presidential blowjob more than Monica Lewinsky.
Monday, June 27, 2022
Tai Tai no Sen
Musashi v The Supreme Court
I don't have a terribly deep reserve for humanity at the moment, but for everyone so comfortable on that fence, because; "At least it's not ME in the barrel" - listen up.
Saturday, April 23, 2022
The Embers of Hate