Wednesday, November 3, 2010

THE FINALE EMAIL!!!! ..Novemeber 3, 2010

Dear Family,

well I thought alot about what i could write to you all in this Last E-mail on my mission! and i decided that the most important thing I could say is that i Love you all and i'll see you in a week!!! Have a great week!!!!!

Elder Wilson

SIKE!!!....November 3, 2010

Dear Family,

hahahahaha SIKE!!!!!! it's okay Mom, don't die!. of course i am going to write you a nice big long e-mail!!! it's my last one! i have to make it a good one!
oh boy, so... this week has been kind of crazy. between work and more service projects, the time is going by WAY to fast!!!! and sadly enough i have already started saying my goodbye's. the first one was last night. with the less active family that i was teaching with Elder Pearson. we went with the hermanas to their appointment to say goodbye. it was really sad, well, i was really sad. but it's not the first time that i have had to go through this. and i am only going to have to start saying goodbye to more people over the next week. not excited. But that's life.
yes i did get the recipes. thank you, and Hermana Layton also says thank you a ton. she was pretty happy to get them. although, i must say mom, to be ending my mission, that was a pretty short/ sad letter. ;) hahahaha just kidding. and i also got a letter from that chick in hawaii that grandma said would write. you can tell grandma that i am in the process of sending one back. i'll probably mail it tonight or tomorrow. so basically tomorrow.
with my bike, still haven't sent it unfortunately. and i just keep stressing about it more and more. but tonight i will give it to the brother and then he will get it sent off. so i'll make sure that word gets out to you. so we can hopefully get this all taken care of. and yes michael, i probably will drive my bike everyone! just in case you were wondering!
oh, so i don't know if you noticed, but kalli kolb, the girl that worked with chanae in seagull, is coming home with me. so i won't be the only missionary walking in to the St. George airport on thursday.
well, i'm kinda out of stuff to write already... i mean come on, i'll see ya in a week, right. and it is my last pday in the field, so i have to go and play hard!
I am pretty sad that it is already ending. i have loved my mission so much! I love helping other people, and watching their lives change! I love feeling the spirit every single day and knowing what my purpose is! there is truly nothing better than helping people remember that God loves them and what the Plan of Salvation truly is! I love this work so much!!! there is nothing better in this world!! i wish i could take all these feelings that i have for this work and let you all feel them, because there truly is no way to describe it. This is God's work!!!! Nothing can stop it!!!! This is His Church!!!!! Jesus Cristo died for you and for me so that we could repent and return to live with Him some day as a family! I know it is true with all my heart and soul!!! and I LOVE IT!!!!!!

thank you so much for all of you love and support, and letters and everything over these past 2 years! I love each and everyone of you!!!!!

your son, brother and Elder,

ELDER Wilson

eu amo voces!!!!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Wazz upp!!!!????....October 27, 2010

Dear Family,

okay first of all.... what the heck!!!! Jeff has a girlfriend!!! that loser!!!!!! i am going to write him a letter and do some inviting! because we have to hang out. gosh. so does anyone know who this chick is or anything? be sure and tell jeff when you see him that i feel deceived!!! :)
and does grandma want to get me off and married quick? hahahha... i thought that was pretty funny. but hey, i'd love to get a letter from a girl. at least some one is willing to help me out in the letter depart. ;) (michael and dallin!!)
thanks so much for the letters and package!!! those muffins are going to keep us alive this week!! hahaha..
so i was just informed that i only have 20 min til the lab here closes. but i'm pretty sure i wont need 20 min. we'll find out.
so this week has been going pretty good. on friday we had a zone meeting with the mission president. it was really good! and i had to give my departing testimony... wow, that was really sad. it is so weird to think that it is getting so close. because it really doesn't even feel like it. it just feels like another transfer is coming up. i dunno, i don't think about it though.
oh yeah, random thought, so mom, what was up with your big w entree, wow talk about depressing.
oh yeah, and i was wondering if you would be willing to go through my recipes and send me my muffin recipes, by letter or mail, it doesn't matter. but it would be great if you could do that. one of the sisters here in my district has been begging me for the recipes that i have at home. i don't know how exactly, but we started talking about muffins (weird huh:) ) and i mentioned the ones i have at home and she started begging me. a little weird, but apparently she really likes muffins.. anyways....
oh about my bike, so, i wasn't able to get a hold of the brother yet about my bike. i will probably be sending it in between now and next wednesday. and probably to salt lake. so after it gets there, we have ten days to pick it up. i will probably give the brother your e-mail or phone number so he can get all the details to you if i can't before wednesday.
this week was pretty crazy. we did alot of service! we finished the kitchen island at maria's house, and then we went and helped a family move in the middle of a rain storm because they were getting kicked out. so it was quiet interesting. yesterday was super cold because of all the wind! and we were out knocking doors in it. so that was super fun. but we had some good success! so it just goes to show how important it is to go out and work, even if it is SUPER cold!!!
well, sorry this e-mail is kinda random and super jumpy. maybe it's because i am in a hurry and because i have to use the bathroom really bad. i drank a ton of water this morning during my work out and it just hit me! sooo..... :) oh and yes mom, i am Huge!!! no but seriously, I am looking REALLY GOOD!!!! it's just the pits that we can't go to the lake when i get home. ;)
anyways..... I love you all so much!! thanks for all of your love and support!!!! the church is true!!!!!! Jesus Cristo is our Savior and Redeemer!!!!! and because of His atonement, we all can be together forever!!!!!!!!

Eu amo voces!!!!

your son, brother, and Elder,
Elder Wilson

Monday, October 25, 2010

October 20, 2010

Querida Familia,

Thanks for all the e-mails everyone! it was great to hear from you all and to hear about everything!
so while i am thinking about it, my address is actually different than the one on the letter i sent you. it is 953 McKnight Cir. #4 ..... and then the rockford il stuff. we live in a little circle and i didn't realize that it had it's own name, so.... if you send any letters, please send them to this address.
as for all of your questions mom.. i have no idea. ;) i honestly had no idea how many days i had left till i read my e-mail today. hahaha. um, the week i am coming home, i probably won't be e-mailing you. that whole day i will be traveling to the mission office and then doing who knows what. and then i will be home on thursday, sooo..... i still haven't received my itinerary yet though, so i don't really know what time i will be home or anything.
so with my bike, a member here that works for this shipping company said he could send it to Vegas, and then someone would have to pick it up from there. and it would only be like 40-45 bucks. which is really good actually. through ups it will be like 100 bucks. but i wouldn't pay, it would be when you pick the bike up. or he said he can send it to salt lake, but vegas is closer. then after it arrives we would have to pick it up with in 7 days. so let me know what you think. preferably as soon as possible (through a letter). so then i can get this worked out. and if it is better i can wait to send it till the last week i am here, so then i can go and pick it up once i am at home, although i would have to use someones vehicle. but let me know please.
so on Saturday we had a Baptism!!!! it was pretty sweet!!! we had more "potential investigators", or in other words non members, show up to the baptism than members! there was lots of people, and we hope that more baptism will come from that to. oh and it was crazy. i had to translate the meeting into english because there were some investigators there from the other Elders. that was quiet the experience. and then on sunday we had a high councilman come and talk to us in sacrament meeting, and he only speaks english. well the bishopric asked me to translate for him during the meeting. wow, i just about died. needles to say i was super nervous. in the end it came out okay, but i definetly need to practice though. it's pretty hard to translate english into spanish. especially when you haven't quiet dominated the spanish language yet. but it was a good exp. i was praying like crazy through the whole thing.
yesterday we had a really good appointment with our part member family. we wanted to give the husband and the brother a baptismal date, but we didn't feel like it was right yet. so that was kinda a bummer, but we did have a very spiritual lesson with them and they will get baptized, just not right away. but hopefully soon.
well, i guess that's about all for me. i hope you all have a great week and that all goes well for ya! thanks for all of your love and support! I love you all!!! be sure and read the book of mormon daily so that you can get spiritually fed! don't let your spirit die of hunger! Eu Amo Voces!!!

Elder Wilson

p.s. um, about the package... maybe just send some more muffins. me and my comp downed those. and now the sisters think i am the muffin man. hahaha it's pretty funny. other than that, we are doing good. thank you!!! I love you!!!!

Batismo!! October 13, 2010

Wazz Up Familia?!

so i see how it is.. everyone is having to much fun in hawaii to send me any e-mails.... hahaha, just kidding. thanks for the e-mail by the way, it was great to hear that everyone is doing good.
so this week we are going to have a baptism! on saturday at 7:00. we are super excited! she, Maria, was interviewed on monday and passed with flying colors. ;) so we are super excited about that! it will be sweet! we also have 2 more investigators that we want to set up for baptism on the 30 of oct. Hopefully that will work out to. as of right now, we are just trying to meet them. it is a part member family, the dad and brother in law aren't baptised yet. but have been to church a million times already. they just have a few things to change before they can get baptised. But we believe that they are ready and just need a little push in the right direction. so hopefully all will go well. So yes, i am planning on going out with a "bang". 3 baptisms in one month. but of course, it is nothing i have done or will do. it is all according to the spirit and the will of God. so we are praying alot that all will work out.
so i have been investigating a little bit one how i am going to send my bike home. i have been talking to a member who works for a shipping company and he said he might be able to work out a deal for me. but that the cheapest way would be to send it to vegas or to slc and then have some one (family member or friend) pick it up from there. or there is ups, but i am pretty sure that it would be at least 100 bucks to send it through them. but there is also an elder who is going home with me and his stake president is driving out here to pick him up (he doesn't have any papers so he can't get on a plane). and he lives in utah. he said he could take it home with him and then i could pick it up when i get home. but we have to see if there will be enough room. so.....if you have any ideas on how to get my bike home, let me know. :)
also, Mom and Dad, we need to make a few plans for when i get home to keep me busy for at least that first week, or until i can get a job and get busy. so brainstorm a few things and i will also be making some plans and when it gets closer, here in 3 weeks, we can plan it out over e-mail more or less.
so the Sister waiting to go to Brasil, that was in my district, left on tuesday. what a sad day again, now i have no one to practice with, although, the Brazilian lady we found a while back called the hermanas (because they have my old phone) looking for me. so hopefully we can get in touch with her again and start teaching her. that would be legit! i had a cool experience on monday. first of all i was in charge of district meeting, and it came out really good. not because i did anything special, but because the spirit was there and it was guiding us. it was really cool. i was totally stoked. then sister cidre (the one going to brazil) asked me for a blessing before she left for brazil. it was a very cool experience. i have truly come to appreciate the Blessing i have to be a Priesthood holder and to be able to serve others. it was a very spiritual experience for me. I love how the Spirit just flows and directs when you are giving blessings. it is such a marvelous and humbling experience.
I want all of you to know how much i truly Love this Gospel!! it means everything to me!!! and My mission has meant so much to me. I have learned and grown so much and i am truly going to miss being a missionary! to be honest i am not very excited to go home, because i don't want to stop serving in this calling! there truly is no greater calling in all the Church than to preach the gospel and bear testimony of the truths contained with in. I have learned so mush about the the Gospel and the Church. I have come to know my Savior better. and i have come to know who i am and who i want to become. and i can honestly say, my greatest convert in the mission was myself. I am now converted to this gospel. I know why we do things, and i know where to go for answers when i don't know. I know that this is the True Church of Jesus Cristo. This is the ONE and ONLY way to return and live with our God and our Brother! and the best part is that I know for MYSELF! i found out for myself. It is True!! and I love it!!!!! I love you all so much and i want to thank you all for your love and support. and for helping me through my hard times. Keep the Faith!!! and we'll all be together sooner than you think! have a great week!!! say hi to everyone in Hawaii for me. oh, and Please drink some acai for me!!!! man, i would love to have some right now!
Eu amo Voces!!!!!!

your son, brother, and Elder,

Elder Wilson

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Miracles.......October 6, 2010

Dear Family,

Wow, first of all i was blown away by that story about Dallin and the two boys that got hit by lightning. all i could think of is HOW blessed we are. The Lord was truly watching out for Dallin!!! That so easily could have been him. WOW! I am so grateful that you walked inside Dallin. and i am 100% sure that the Spirit was there guiding you to keep you safe. We truly have so much to be grateful for!
so this week has been super crazy! like i said last week we had Hermanas get transfered up here and they took over our apartment. so this whole week we have been sleeping on the couches at the zone leaders house and living out of our suitcases. which kinda sucked. but yesterday we were finally able to move into our app. and we slept on beds to! :) we are excited to be in finally and have our own home. and the gym is sweet! today i went and kicked my butt at the gym. watch out, when i get home in 5 weeks, i'm gonna be huge! ;)
How did everyone like General Conference? it was super good! i really enjoyed the saturday sessions!! they were both super amazing!! i took at ton of notes!! and Priesthood was really good to. did you notice that the very first thing said in conference, and by the Profet no less, was that the church needs more missionaries! interesting huh! it shows that the work is going forward!! i also loved Pres. Uchtdorf's talk! and Pres. Monsons' about gratitude! Have an attitude of gratitude! i really learned so much!!! it was such a spirit booster!!! and then monday we had a training meeting for all of the leaders in the mission. it was also really good. it is amazing how you can always learn something new! i mean, i have been a missionary for 25 months, and i still learn new things and ways to improve my teaching! it is sweet!
well i hope you all have a fun time in hawaii! say hi to gramps and grams wilson for me!! tell them that i love them!
I hope you all have a great week!!! and please don't stand under any trees in thunder storms!! The Church is true!!! Jesus Cristo is our Savior!! and God is truly watching out for our Family!!!!!! Eu amo voces!!!!!

Elder Wilson

September 29, 2010

Dear Family,

so guess what. as of today.. i only have 43 days left! 6 weeks!!! crazy huh!!! hahahaha, just thought i would let you know mom. but it doesn't even feel like it. thats the wierd thing. but it is also good. i am staying focused and working hard.
so today we had transfers. i am staying with elder garcia in his area, and sister missionaries are taking over my area. and i am super sad about that because they now teach the less active family we have been working so hard with. but i will still be able to see them at church. so that is good. and the sisters took over our app. and we are moving into a new one, but it isn't ready till friday, so until then we will be living with the zone leaders. so yes, my address will change. so i until i get my new address, you can just keep sending letters to that same address. we kept a mail key so we can check the mail for a while until it is all worked out. i should have it next week though. oh, and our new app. has a work out room!!! i am totally stoked to go work out every morning!! it will be sweet!! oh, and i was made District Leader again..... so that should be fun. oh, and one of the sisters that took over our house, thats in my district, is waiting for her visa to go to.......BRASIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so that is awesome!! i still have some one to practice portugues with!!! it is amazing how fast the Lord answers your prayers!!!!
so with our service project, i will have to send you pics, the floor (tile) looks super good!!! and now we will finish the bathroom and put in the cabinets. yeah, i know, we are redoing the whole house! but it is alot of fun, and we are helping this family so much!
well, i hope you all have a great week!! i love you all!!! take care!!!
A Igreja e verdadeira!!!! Jesus Cristo e nosso Senhor!!!!

Eu AmoVoces!!!

Elder Wilson