Well, as I said in my last post, I had a mystery plant growing, the plant intself looked like a zuchinni plant, but there was a large white, and also a greenish gourd like thing growing on it. Now I never planted this, I think it came from my birds food, started growing right in my flower planter and I didnt have the heart to pull it up. Well, my old friend Raggedyoldfriend stopped by yesterday, originally we were supposed to swim and lay in the sun all day then we had an earthquake, and her kids called, and well, we never got to work on our tan, but she did identify the plant, and it is a pumpkin, which I suspected, but strange colors threw me off........there are 2 of them on the vine, one is pretty big and it is turning yellow, maybe it will turn orange after all......mind you, I have no clue when it will be ripe, same story with all the other stuff I have growing in my tiny little yard. It all started because I wanted a cute prim garden, Ive never grown anything, now I have all kinds of stuff......there are watermelons, and does anyone know WHEN Im supposed to pick them, like when they are ripe, how do you tell, lololol....and I even have butternut squash....not to mention tomatos, and cucumbers, and peppers and crookneck, and zuchinni.....sooooooooo, Im pretty thrilled that I can actually grow stuff........I might be hooked on this gardening!!!!! so if anyone out there in blogland knows when watermelon and pumpkins and butternut squash get ripe, drop me a comment........
For those of you who like musicals, run and see Momma Nia, I LOVED it,,,,,,,and omg Pierce Brosnon, what a hunk!!!! Darling movie, great ending, happy happy happy!!!!!
Today was national cheesecake day, and YES we supported our local Cheesecake factory, which is why Im gonna drag my big butt out for a walk, toodles!!!!