Today is a big day for Callan! If everything goes as planned he will get his central line out and be able to get dressed and move to an open air bed! He will be out of his cage, yay!
He has been doing really well still. He lost some weight throughout the week and was down to 4 lbs 4 oz but started gaining again last night. We were so proud of him. He is tolerating is NG tube feedings well and has started trying to nurse. Mostly he just sleeps while I try to nurse him which is frustrating and I'm prepared for it to be a long process.
Easton has been having a harder time with the situation for the last couple days. He has always been very good at expressing his feelings. It makes it so hard when he cries to me on the phone saying, "Mom I'm really sad. I don't want to leave you at the hospital. I want to stay with you." It's really the very worst part about this whole thing. My Easton is so sweet and I hate that I can't be with him. On Saturday we tried to give him some extra attention. When we woke up we made Mickey Mouse pancakes with our new thing Katelin brought us from Florida.
Easton had already had several time outs by breakfast time and was in a bad mood.
Then Tyson and I went to the hospital while he napped. We came home after a couple hours and took Easton for pizza and bowling. He was really excited about his bowling shoes.
He had fun rolling the ball down the ramp for maybe 2 rolls. All he really wanted to do was run around on everyone elses lanes and make new friends which resulted in us getting frustrated chasing after him all over the bowling alley for an hour. I would say it wasn't very successful, but we tried:)
We wanted to give the little ones who can't come to the hospital a tour. This is where we go inside the hospital.
We go through 2 guarded doors. For the first one we type in our secret code to get it to open. For the second one we have to push a button and tell the lady on the intercom who we are and she opens the door for us. Once we're inside that door we sign in on a sheet of paper. Then we have to roll our sleeves up to our elbows and wash and this sink for three minutes. We use those yellow baby hair sponges to wash.
Then we go through more doors until we get to the "B pod."
You can see Callan's room right when you enter the pod. His is B21.
That's about it for now! Hoping today will be a great day!