December was a blurr and January is fast approaching the same situation. I hope all your holidays were cheery! Mine were! All my kids and grand kids were here. It's always super fun to have everyone for the holidays but it does wear me out.
I have not had much time for sewing but I did manage to get most of Ari's quilt top finished (first pix in my Dec. post) and about 80% quilted. Enough, so I was able to take it off the frame and display it on her bed when she arrived!!
The inner and outer most borders turned out more complicated than I had planned but I think it was worth the effort. Ari really liked it!
I had to kind of fudge on the corners. I ended up hand sewing the
corner wedges and trimming them after to fit. There not perfect but from a distance they're not bad. 😁😁
I had a lot of fun quilting it too. Lots of different patterns.
After finishing the quilting there's just the binding. Ugh, with a big quilt like that 87" square it'll take more than one evening in front of the TV to get it done. I've been trying to keep with my NO Starting New Project , but we are away from home now so I indulged in bringing a packet of pre cut 4" hexies I bought on sale years ago.
I got the rows assembled only discover I had forgot to bring straight pins! The rows are kinda wonky. I didn't think I could sew them without pins so back into the basket to take home.
Of course I brought some back-up projects and I broke out a basket of Batik scraps.
My favorite idea of "Fun" sewing. What's "Fun" sewing you ask? To me that's something I can sew without worrying to much about whether everything is going to match, points meet, etc. etc. etc. Sewing without stress!
What's your mode of "Fun" sewing?!
Last but not least...
New Years Day at my house...
My brother-in-law and his family (who live at the beach) have a New Year's Day tradition of jumping in the ocean (fyi it's 60 degrees) on new years day! Brrrrrrrr! But because the end of the Santa Cruz pier fell into the ocean recently, leaving debris floating and washed up on all the local beaches, jumping in the ocean didn't seem like a very safe idea. So I invited them to our house to jump into our 60 degree pool instead. Of course the added bonus was once the ritual was complete they could quickly jump into the nice warm jacuzzi!
Here's the stop action:
Getting psyched to do the deed...
...and taking the plunge!
My kids and G-kids, My brother in law's daughter and her family and a family friend. 10 people moreless jumping into the pool all at once...
And then quickly scrambling out of the pool and into the jacuzzi as fast as they could!
It was sure fun to watch!
And after I finished setting up the brunch table I jumped in too!
I tried to post the video but the video button didn't seem to work
(or more likely I just didn't do it correctly) 😂
I hope your New Year's are full of joy and wonder!
take care, cw