Sunday, March 27, 2022

Stake Conference

 I attended the Saturday night session of our Stake conference this weekend. I didn’t feel wonderful and wasn’t going to go. I have been asking Heavenly Father for blessings because of my tooth problems and decided that I needed to do my part by attending this meeting. So I got dressed and hurried over to the church. My friend, Kathryn Toland, arrived the same time I did, so we sat together and that was great fun! 

I am so glad that I went to this meeting. I was so touched by the speakers and the spirit that was there.
Curtis Miles was the first speaker and I enjoyed the message so much. I especially loved when he gave personal examples from his own life.
Glena Winkler Sorensen was the 2nd speaker. Glena, you did a fantastic job and I was so proud of you! Faith Rowley gave her testimony as she will soon depart on her mission, I love the sweet young lady that she has become. I know Faith will do great on this mission. 
Colton Christensen is preparing for his mission call. He, too, will be a great missionary! I had the privilege of teaching Glena, Faith and Colton in school and it is marvelous to see the exceptional people they each have become. 
President Gary Nelson and Elder Arnulfo Valenzuela concluded the meeting with amazing messages, as well!

Wednesday, March 23, 2022


Since I was very young, I have been terrified of dentists. I would lose control and become a mess whenever I had to go. It didn’t help to learn that when I was a senior in HS I still had 6 baby teeth with no permanent teeth to replace them. They had to be pulled and then I went through the process of braces to move the teeth around to take care of empty spaces. I had bridge work done right before coming here to Altamont.

I have finally learned to not be terrified to go to the dentist, but truth is that I haven’t had a very healthy mouth. 

A little over a year ahead I had an upper molar removed. It was a very difficult process and I had a couple weeks of illness associated with the extraction. (Excessive bleeding, slow healing, vertigo, low low sugar)

I needed another upper molar pulled and was very apprehensive because of past history. The tooth was surgically removed yesterday. I lost a bridge in the process, too, although it lasted for 40+ years.

Although I don’t think I handle mouth work well, this time has been so much better. I have been blessed for it to be a better, easier experience for me. 
I hope that it will continue to improve each day.
After I fully heal, other decisions will be made on what I need to do.

Taxes to be Done

I took my taxes in to be done today.  I sure hope that I don't owe tons of money this year.  I have to figure out how to change that if it is true.

Sunday, March 20, 2022

Sunday school Teaching

Will I ever feel comfortable teaching the adult Sunday School class? I want to make sure that I only present things that are appropriate and true. Trying to make the class comfortable enough for people to share personal feelings and thoughts is difficult to do. So much can be learned from others in the right atmosphere. I hope the members can be patient as I press forward learning how to invite the spirit in as we learn truths together.

I did receive a phone call this evening giving me feedback.  My ministering sister couldn't come to class due to not feeling well, but her husband and married son both attended class.  She had them report to her about how class went.  She said that they both enjoyed the class.  Her son said, "I never realized what a wonderful teacher she is - she really can teach. She apologized at the end of class because she didn't let the class members speak but there was quite a bit of discussion."

SS Lesson Notes

 “God Meant It unto Good”    Genesis 42–50

Ask:   What verse in these chapters caught your attention? What verse did you find yourself reading more than once? What verse did you share with someone? What verse led to an insightful discussion with your family or friends?


Forgiveness brings peace.     (Genesis 45:1-15; 50:15-21)

Have someone briefly tell the story of Joseph.

Joseph’s brothers were jealous and did not like him. They were going to kill him and they decided to sell him as a slave and sent him to Egypt.  He found favor with Potiphar until his wife accused him of being inappropriate with her and was put in prison.  He gained favor there, too. He interpreted some dreams and gained favor of the Pharaoh.  He helped with country store extra food for seven years of famine.

Joseph’s brother came to Egypt but did not recognize him.  Joseph did not want to take revenge of them, but wanted to know if they had changed.  

Why might it have been hard for Joseph to forgive his brothers? Was if difficult for him?

Reading about Joseph forgiving his brothers for the terrible things they did to him may prompt you to think about someone you are currently struggling to forgive. Or perhaps a difficult test of forgiveness is in your future. Either way, it might help to ponder why Joseph was able to forgive. 

What clues about Joseph’s character and attitude do you find in Genesis 4550:15–21? How might his experiences have influenced him to be more forgiving? 

Notice the blessings that came to Joseph’s family because of his forgiveness. What blessings came from Joseph’s forgiveness of his brothers?    How might things have turned out differently if Joseph had not been willing to forgive?

What blessings have you seen from forgiveness? Do you feel inspired to reach out to someone who has wronged you?

President Dieter F. Uchtdorf said, “I have discovered one thing that most [happy families] have in common: they have a way of forgiving and forgetting the imperfections of others and of looking for the good.

“Those in unhappy families, on the other hand, often find fault, hold grudges, and can’t seem to let go of past offenses. …

“It is through our Savior’s sacrifice that we can gain exaltation and eternal life. As we accept His ways and overcome our pride by softening our hearts, we can bring reconciliation and forgiveness into our families and our personal lives. God will help us to be more forgiving, to be more willing to walk the second mile, to be first to apologize even if something wasn’t our fault, to lay aside old grudges and nurture them no more” (“One Key to a Happy Family,” Ensign or Liahona, Oct. 2012, 5–6).  

Do we ever see contention and/or jealousy in our homes today? 

Are there ways that you could think of from this story that could help families today overcome contention and jealousy?

Elder James E Faust taught us:  If we can find forgiveness in our hearts for those who have caused us hurt and injury, we will rise to a higher level of self-esteem and well-being. Some recent studies show that people who are taught to forgive become “less angry, more hopeful, less depressed, less anxious and less stressed,” which leads to greater physical well-being.  Another of these studies concludes “that forgiveness … is a liberating gift [that] people can give to themselves.”    (The Healing Power of Forgiveness – James E Faust)

The video “Forgiveness: My Burden Was Made Light” (    8:24.    provides another inspiring example of forgiveness. 

President James E. Faust when this happened was a member of the First Presidency  and he talked about how justice and consequences are related to forgiveness and peace. In the following statement he referred to the tragedy that occurred when Bishop Christopher Williams’s car was struck by a drunk teenage driver, killing his pregnant wife and two of his children:

“Most of us need time to work through pain and loss. We can find all manner of reasons for postponing forgiveness. One of these reasons is waiting for the wrongdoers to repent before we forgive them. Yet such a delay causes us to forfeit the peace and happiness that could be ours. The folly of rehashing long-past hurts does not bring happiness.

“Some hold grudges for a lifetime, unaware that courageously forgiving those who have wronged us is wholesome and therapeutic. …

“… Only as we rid ourselves of hatred and bitterness can the Lord put comfort into our hearts. …

“Of course, society needs to be protected from hardened criminals, because mercy cannot rob justice [see Alma 42:25]. Bishop Williams addressed this concept so well when he said, ‘Forgiveness is a source of power. But it does not relieve us of consequences’ [in Deseret Morning News, Feb. 13, 2007, A8]. When tragedy strikes, we should not respond by seeking personal revenge but rather let justice take its course and then let go. It is not easy to let go and empty our hearts of festering resentment. The Savior has offered to all of us a precious peace through His Atonement, but this can come only as we are willing to cast out negative feelings of anger, spite, or revenge. For all of us who forgive ‘those who trespass against us’ [Joseph Smith Translation, Matthew 6:13] even those who have committed serious crimes, the Atonement brings a measure of peace and comfort” (“The Healing Power of Forgiveness,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2007, 68–69).


What blessings have you or someone you know experienced as a result of forgiving someone?

How does the Savior help us forgive others?

In April Conference of 2018, Elder Echo Hawk, a member of the Seventies gave a talk about forgiveness and he issued this challenge, which I, in turn, issue to us.

“Brothers and sisters, are there people in our lives who have hurt us?  Do we harbor what seems like fully justifies feelings of resentment and anger?  Are we letting pride keep us from forgiving and letting go?  I invite all of us to forgive completely and let healing occur from within.  And even if forgiveness doesn’t come today, know that as we desire it and work for it, it will come.


Please also remember that an essential element of forgiveness includes forgiving ourselves.


“He who has repented of his sins,” the Lord said, “the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more.”


I plead for all of us this day to remember and follow the example of Jesus Christ.  On the cross at Golgotha, in His anguish, He uttered these words: “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.”


By having a forgiving spirit and acting upon it, we can realize the promise of the Savior: “Peace, I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”


As we forgive, the Savior will strengthen us, and His power and joy will flow into our lives.”


The works of Joseph, Moses, and Joseph Smith testify of the mission of Jesus Christ.

In many ways, Joseph’s life parallels that of Jesus Christ. 

Paper comparing Joseph and Christ - Class members could work together to fill it out. 

Even though our sins caused Him great suffering, the Savior offers forgiveness, delivering all of us from a fate far worse than famine. Whether we need to receive forgiveness or extend it—at some point we all need to do both—Joseph’s example points us to the Savior, the true source of healing and reconciliation.


In the Joseph Smith Translation of Genesis 50, (Joseph Smith Translation, Genesis 50:24–38 (in the Bible appendix). we are told that the Lord will raise up Moses and also a Joseph in the latter days.  These men will do great works and testify of Jesus Christ.


One of my favorite similarities between Moses and Jesus is their role of being deliverers.  God raised Moses up to deliver His people, the Israelites, from Egyptian bondage.  God sent Jesus to earth not only to teach us His ways, but also to deliver us from the bondage of sin and eternal death.


In JST Genesis 50 Verse 33 talking about Joseph Smith it says. “… and he shall be like unto you; for the thing which the Lord shall bring forth by his hand shall bring my people unto salvation.”   We know he brought back our Savior’s church which certainly can bring us to salvation.


God can help us find meaning in our trials.  Genesis 50:19–21

Read Genesis 50”19-21.  Though it may not have been clear while he was going through his severe trials, Joseph was eventually able to look back on his adversity in Egypt and see that “God meant it unto good”.

19 And Joseph said unto them, Fear not: for am I in the place of God?  

20 But as for you, ye thought aevil against me; but God bmeant it unto cgood, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive.

21 Now therefore fear ye not: I will anourish you, and your little ones. And he comforted them, and spake kindly unto them.

How might the thought expressed in Genesis 50:19–21 help us in times of trial? 

If we are faithful, God can direct our lives and help us make trials become blessings for ourselves and others.

For one example, see the video “Unto All the World: The Sam Family”  3:28.  ( 

Is anyone willing to talk about ways God has blessed them, even through difficult experiences they’ve had.


What does Doctrine and Covenants 122  (Liberty Jail) add to our understanding of this principle?


Elder Howard W Hunter taught us, “To exercise faith is to trust that the Lord knows what He is doing with you and that He can accomplish it for your eternal good even though you cannot understand how He can possibly do it. We are like infants in our understanding of eternal matters and their impact on us here in mortality. Yet at times we act as if we knew it all. When you pass through trials for His purposes, as you trust Him, exercise faith in Him, He will help you. That support will generally come step by step, a portion at a time. While you are passing through each phase, the pain and difficulty that comes from being enlarged will continue. If all matters were immediately resolved at your first petition, you could not grow. Your Father in Heaven and His Beloved Son love you perfectly. They would not require you to experience a moment more of difficulty than is absolutely needed for your personal benefit or for that of those you love.


To recognize the hand of the Lord in your life and to accept His will without complaint is a beginning. That decision does not immediately eliminate the struggles that will come for your growth. But I witness that it is the best way there is for you to find strength and understanding. It will free you from the dead ends of your own reasoning. It will allow your life to become a productive, meaningful experience, when otherwise you may not know how to go on (see D&C 24:8).”




From the story of Joseph and from the unfortunate events in the world around us, its easy to see bad things happen to good people.  Righteous living does not mean we will avoid challenges and sadness in our lives.  However, just as the Lord was with Joseph in his adversity, He will be with us.  Trials will inevitably come.  But if we go through them with a determination to hear Him, the Lord will guide and inspire us, just as he did Joseph.



Memories of Friends

I found a page where some of my friends wrote memories of me on Facebook.  I decided to put them here so that I wouldn't lose them.

 Heather Gibson - My first memory of you, my friend, was actually hearing Brian talk about this wonderful teacher he had the privilege of working with at the elementary school.  He told that I would like this lady a lot because she reminded him of my sister.  He was right?  An amazing women who loves all the children in her life as much as she would love her own.  I feel extremely blessed to count you as one of my dearest friends.

Alexis Toland Hardy - I remember you babysat me a few times when I was a small child.  I loved My Little Ponies and you had a beautiful pony (I think it was green) and you were willing to play with me ... when the other adults were bored with me.

Cassy Jo - Memories.  You seriously want me to write all my memories of you.  We'll just do a couple or else we'll be here all night.  I remember you use to talk me out to see the moon.  You use to take me most summers to Idaho.  Remember Jack and the Beanstalk?  You would stay with me while my family went to girls camp.  You would stay with Haylie, Mallory and me at hotels.  I remember the day you got your house.  The list could go on.  I think I better just stop!

Sharalee Miles Ostler -  I have lots of memories of you.  I remember that I was so excited when I was in second grade and you were my teacher and you told us that they were moving you to fourth grade.  I remember BEGGING and PLEADING my mom to request that you were my fourth grade teacher.  You were one of my favorite teachers at the elementaary!!  And there are so many more!!  Thanks for everything!

Janice Gibbs Horschel - I remember when I moved into Snow Hall you were the "senior" (I mean a whole year older) girl.  

We were both in Elementary Education so I really looked up to you for advice.  You were the best cook.  Remember tuna ring with cheese sauce?  We would go to Carson's Market in our slippers and thought we were so daring.  Remember that roommate who would not eat with us? Well, she made some chocolate chip cookie and had them all out cooling.  I came home and picked one up because the rest of us shared food.  You yelled These are (I can't remember her name)'s cookies and she counted them! So I put the cookie back with one bite in it!  Then there was jumping rope with the phone cord, steaming our faces, and moving all the beds into one bedroom.  Yes, those were the days.  Amazing that we finished with our degrees.  You were a blast to be around!

Saturday, March 19, 2022

Friday, March 18, 2022

Moon in the Morning

 This is the same moon as last night - early in the morning.

Thursday, March 17, 2022

 Apparently this is called a Worm Moon ....  It was beautiful.

I wish the pictures could show how truly beautiful this was.

Happy Birthday Relief Society

Happy birthday to the Relief Society!!!! It is 180 years old today! We had a ward activity tonight. Thanks to those who planned and worked this activity!

St Patricks Day Treat

 Oh look! A ministering teacher, Jeanne Dastrup,  brought me by a St. Patricks Dsy cookie today. How sweet


Tuesday, March 15, 2022


 I am so nervous about my upcoming tooth extraction because of my last experience.  One of the reasons that I went to Monroe was because I wanted Frank Dimick (Dad) to give me a priesthood blessing.  He did this before I left to go home.

I thought that it was a very beautiful blessing and all should go well for me this time.  This helped bring me some comfort that everything will work out without the problems this time.

Sunday, March 13, 2022

Lamb of God

 Frank & Ethel Dimick took me to Richfield to see this presentation tonight.  It was so good.  The talent of the area is truly amazing.  The spirit was present.  I enjoyed this a great deal.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Trip to Monroe

 I drove to Monroe today.  This is my odometer when I got there!

Monday, March 7, 2022

Dental Consultation

I went to the dentist office today to talk with Dr. Turnbow at Lifetime Smiles to see what my options are going to be.

We talked about implants, but I am only an OK candidate for that.  They are so expensive, I don't know how I feel about spending the money if they might fail.  We also talked about partial plates.  That would be less expensive and I am not sure how I feel about that, as well.

I decided that I will go ahead and have the tooth pulled.  Then let it heal and then decide the best option for me.

I bled so much the last time they pulled a tooth and was sick with other symptoms, so I am somewhat apprehensive about the extraction process.  I am going off of my low dose aspirin for 7-8 days before to see if that will help.

Saturday, March 5, 2022


 I am in the waiting game to see what will happen with my bad tooth.  I am going to try to go see the dentist on Monday to have plans to go forward.  

Beth and Cancer

When I get behind on my blogging, I tend to go to Facebook and use those posts as a guideline on what is important to post.  There was happenings that I hadn’t written about there, but are extremely important so I will add it now.

Last year at the end of summer, Beth Gardner was diagnosed with Rectal Cancer.  To make things worse, she broke out in Shingles basically at the same time.  She was blistered, but unbelievably didn’t have a lot of pain along with it.  The cancer was very scary to me, as I have never been personally around someone watching them battle this disease.  Beth had such a good attitude, as she usually s. in life.  It was amazing watching her go through this.


Beth had chemo sessions for a few months.  Luckily, they were able to do many of these in Roosevelt so she didn’t have to always travel to SLC.  She is such a strong, independent lady and she even drove herself alone most of the time.  She was able to keep working through most of this as well.  I truly am amazed at her strength though all of this.

Beth started radiation treatments the middle of December. These were daily (week days) held at the Farmington, Utah University of Utah Huntsman's Facility. It is only about 20 minutes from Cassy's house, so Beth stayed there.  Radiation went from December 15 - January 28th.   Meg and Mandy were home with Mary.  They took such good care of her to make this separation easier for Mary.  Mandy was the one there more often.  It was so cute to watch.


Cassy wrote on her blog about this time:  She did really well. From 's house my perspective, her energy levels didn't change too much. She did tire easily, but it didn't seem anymore than what it was before. Most days, she (and the days I was with her) went shopping. Her bottom is sore from the radiation and soaking in the tub has become one of her best friends. This week, she is just taking it easy and letting her body rest before getting back to "normal" life.

We are at a waiting a game of knowing what will happen next. In 3-4 weeks she will have scans. Based on what those scans say will depend on if she has surgery and when that will be or if it will be maintenance treatment and how long that will be. We shall see what the future holds on this cancer journey.”

Beth has met with the surgeon and is scheduled for surgery on March 31st.  This will take place at the Huntsman Cancer Center in SLC.  They told her that she will be in the hospital there for a week.  Recover will take 6-8 weeks.  I will substitute and finish out the school year for her.

Cassy posted some pictures of the radiation machine - I took one from her blog.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Canyon Creek Endodontics

I had to go to an appointment at 8:00 this morning to see if a root canal would be of benefit to me and fix my problems.  I saw Dr. Biggerstaff. I was impressed with the amount of time he took with me, especially trying to answer all of my questions. It was decided that because of the amount of decay, that there wouldn't be enough tooth to rebuild a bridge.

Car serviced at Doug Smith Subaru


Had the vehicle serviced earlier today. I love that they wash it before giving it back. 
I have had this vehicle since December 2019!!! When you purchase it, they give you 2 years of free servicing of the car. I was out of the time frame by a couple months, but they gave me this one as my last complementary service!! That was a nice surprise.

Visiting Sandra

I was able to spend a little time with my good friend Sandra Swaey (Covington Senior Living)…. The best part of my day!!!

It was so good to see her. She is such a sweet lady and friend! I think this family has a direct pathway to heaven - they have been through so much. I am sure the eternal rewards must be spectacular!

Beginning My Day

 Getting ready for the day. I hope this day brings good news.  (Sleep Inn Provo UT)