Thursday, February 25, 2021

Cute Leprechaun

I went and picked up my taxes today.  It was better than last year, but I still owe money to the state.

 I was given this adorable little kitchen towel today. Thanks so much Sue Miller.  You are very talented and I love it!

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Seeing friends

I was so excited to see my friend,  Paula Pierce Jenkins, in the grocery store while in Roosevelt. It is wonderful to catch up on news. It seems like it has been forever since I have seen her.

I miss being able to visit with friends.

Drivers License Renewed

 I went to Roosevelt to renew my Driver's License this morning.  I am so glad to have that finished!  I am good for 8 years now.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Getting things done

 Picked up my glasses today, enrolled in Medicare Supplement and also a prescription program, and made an appointment to renew my drivers license for later this week. I hope I am accomplishing all the things I need to!

Friday, February 19, 2021

Getting Ready for St Patricks Day

 I know it is early, but I needed a change in scenery, so I have decorated for St Patricks Day.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Taxes started

 I took my taxes in to Ken & Sue Miller.  I hope that the news isn't that I owe a huge amount.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Follow up with Dr. Turnbow

I went back to Dr. Turnbow, the dentist, for a follow up visit.  My mouth was very achy all the time since the extraction.  I was afraid that it had never clotted and that I was developing dry socket. Along with not feeling well, at all, my sugar levels had drastically dropped into low levels that I have never seen before.

He said that my mouth is healing, but not as quickly as expected.  He had to spray air in the area to clear it up so that he could see and also he sprayed in water.  I did not feel more pain when he did this.  Usually, if it was dry socket those sprays sent the person out in excruciating pain.  

He thinks I might have a mild case of dry socket.  We decided NOT to pack it since that would irritate it and it isn't horrible pain now. Dr. Turnbow thinks that it will take at least another week to really heal. He said that I didn't have to baby it as much as I have been.

If pain spreads I can have an antibiotic and/or go back and have it packed.

My vertigo seems to be settling down so hopefully that was short lived and over.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021


 Sunday night I went to recline in the recliner to go to sleep and suddenly the room starting spinning and I could not focus.  I then got very nauseous.  This feeling got stronger every time that I tried to recline or to lie down. It was horrible.

This continued to happen the next couple days, as well.  I decided to go see Curtis Carter on Tuesday here in Altamont.  He looked in my ears and down my throat, etc.  He prescribed a motion sickness medicine for me.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Another Valentine Gift

 Sweet Valentine gift from one of my ministering sisters, Jeanne. Thank you so much!

Valentine Gift of Shoveling

Thanks so very much to my ministering elder for coming over and shoveling my sidewalk from the road to my door. (This is a stock photo - not the real deal!)

It means so very much to me. Thank you so much Dave!

Just about 5-10 minutes later, my neighbor, Craig,  is clearing snow in my driveway in front of the garage in the back. Thank you so very much. 

I am so blessed to have different people take care of me!

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

YW Surprise!

 I was surprised tonight by some sweet young women at my door with a Valentine surprise! 

I was on the phone ðŸ“±long distance with family so I didn’t really let them know how much I appreciated this sweet gesture.
I had a tooth pulled today and am still struggling with it a bit tonight, too. It has been a rough evening.
This thoughtfulness was so appreciated and made my day!!!! Thanks for sharing your kindness!!! Have a great Valentines Day!!!!

Help from Ministering Elder

I had a tooth extracted today. The tooth had to be surgically removed.  It came out in pieces, rather than whole.  Things seemed to go well though, after a lot of stress.

I seem to have excessive bleeding though.  It doesn't seem to be slowing down much.  I called Dave, my ministering elder, to come over to give me a priesthood blessing.

Dave blessed me that the bleeding would stop and that there would be no infection. He said that I was faithful to do my part and fulfill my callings and that the Lord was pleased with that.  He also talked with me about having faith and to continue to do my part in helping this along the way to heal. 

Friday, February 5, 2021

Last Christmas

 Received a late Christmas gift last night from one of my ministering sisters, Jeanne, from church. Thanks so much!

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Medicare Options

 I had an appointment with Ashley Marx at UBAOG.  She talked with me about medicare choices.  Choosing which plan is confusing.  It is so important to choose a plan that will help financially with any medical needs.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

6 Month Checkup

 I had my 6 month checkup and cleaning today.  (It really has been 7 months this time.)

I have to go back next week to have a very decayed tooth pulled. It is the top back molar on the left side.

Groundhog Day


Punxsutawney Phil has spoken. Six more weeks of winter. 

Altamont Groundhog saw no shadow this morning though so maybe it will be an early spring here.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Texas Rolls

If you have a lot of time, these are good rolls to make.