Friday, June 28, 2019


Last night was my first night of sleeping with a CPAP machine.  Not having had the study in the Sleep Lab first, it was quite the experience.  I had little idea on what to expect.  

I didn't get much actual sleep, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it might be.

I have a nasal mask.  I think I must breathe, at least, a little through my mouth at night, because there were times that I just wanted to take a full deep breath.

I just hope that I can get use to this quickly and that my night oxygen levels will improve, as well as my apnea incidences.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Irrigation faucet for back yard

I went out to start watering the yard after Dave turned it on for me, to find that my backyard faucet was missing.  I had a pond and river running down the old ditch instead.  I quickly turned the water off and searched to see if I could tell what had happened.

The faucet had snapped off and was still attached to the hose which had been pulled off onto the lawn.   (I think my mower boy did this without realizing.).

Beth was certain that she could fix this for me.  It took us a week to be able to get to Roosevelt to pick up the needed parts.  When we dug down to gain access to the other broken part, it wasn't going to be as easy a fix as first hoped. There wasn't enough pipe to attach to.

We went to Upper Country Market and found an elbow that would work.   The glue bottles were so closed that we didn't have the strength to open them.  Bishop Rudy came over and helped us get them open and the whole thing fixed.

I didn't take a picture because they had already covered it up with dirt again before I could.

Tomorrow, I need to get out and get busy watering.  Thank goodness that Mother Nature has taken care of it for me so far.  Unbelievable - a blessing for sure!

Just Me

I decided that I must like to take my picture - not really!   
This is me the last two days - Sunday and Monday.  
I think I like the color scheme.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Tuesday the 24th

I had another dr. appointments with Simon Stone, the ENT guy.  He explained the results of my last home sleep study to me.  I have both apnea problems and very low oxygen when I sleep.  The insurance company wouldn't authorize a sleep study in the lab.  The next step was to put me on a CPAP machine and have follow ups until I am adjusted properly. He said that this just takes a little longer.

The insurance company has several places in the state that they have approved for one to get the equipment.  Problem - they are all at least 3 hours away.  His nurse helper started calling and the insurance company finally agreed that I could use the place in Roosevelt or the one in Vernal because we are so rural.

My paperwork has been sent to the place in Roosevelt.  They will call and set up an appointment to give me a machine and show me how to use it.  Then I will have a follow up with Dr. Stone in 5-6 weeks to evaluate the progress.
It is driving me a little crazy with all of the waiting.  I think I could be further along in the process without all the waiting.

I am still waiting on the bid for the seamless gutters, too.

On the fun, good side, Cassy brought two of her roommates out today to see Upper Stillwater Dam.  Beth made a wonderful lunch that we enjoyed together.  It was so much fun having them here.  Meg came up so it was all of us together - great times!

This picture is right before they left!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Visiting Upper Stillwater Dam

Getting ready for the day:

Beth's brother Stan and his wife and a couple of grand-daughters came over today.  They took us to eat at the Bluebell Store and then we all drove up to Upper Stillwater Dam.  It began spilling over on Tuesday.  I love seeing the dam spill.  It is beautiful so it was fun going up together to see it.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Hair cut

Here is my before picture this morning.

 Here are a couple of after shots.

Monday, June 17, 2019

RIng Cam

I bought a ring cam for the front door area.
Dave Jessup put it up for me.  
I think I will really like it.
I need to play with it some to get the perfect setting still.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Happy Father's Day

I am so thankful to my Heavenly Father for allowing me to have some wonderful men in my life to help guide me to doing and being the right things.  My fathers true are my friend, my hero, and I do love them each with all my heart.

Dad,  I wish we had had more time together.  I was just beginning to be an adult and get clarity on so many things of my life.  I have grown to understand and appreciate even more the sacrifices that you made for me.  Thanks for always taking care and providing for me and all my needs.

Frank Dimick, You stepped in to be a father to me.  I admire you and am so appreciative of the advice that you so freely give to me.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Hail storm

I couldn’t stand it knowing the dog was being pelted in this hail, so went to save her. I all but swam down the road to get to her. Now when I go home, I need a shower and dry clothes. That was horrible! My shoes were covered in water the whole way. I held the lid to a tote over my head. I am sure that it was a sight to see! Yes, I know I am crazy!

This is what it looks like now. The first 2 photos are in front of Gardner’s house. It looks like snow on my roof in the front of the house. Look at all the water running off in the back. Can you see why I need a new gutter system? Good thing I called about getting a bid today.

More patriotic scenes in my home

Tuesday, June 11, 2019


Not how I wanted to spend my day - in a dentist chair, but on the other hand they were able to work me on the same day I called.

I don't have any dental insurance any more, so that makes it a little more painful, too! I had been putting off a cleaning for several months now.  I wanted to take care of my medical bills first and get a CPAP machine paid for so I would know the cost of all of that first.

 I broke off a piece of tooth a couple of days again and that was driving me crazy.  I decided that I had better get an appointment now.  They had a cancellation so I was even able to get in TODAY!

Come to find out, it was part of the dental bridge that was put in a little over 40 years ago. After discussing the options open to me, the dentist decided to try to patch the bridge and fill the cavity.  He was even able to do it today, as well as the cleaning.  I always have such a huge tarter build up so it feels so good to have that all taken care of.  I hope the patch will work for a long time.

I should have a tooth extracted because it is mostly filling and will come out in pieces soon enough.  I decide to pass that up, for now.  I bled so much last tooth that was pulled.  I still want to get the apnea taken care of before dealing with this.  I am glad that he was able to take care of me all in one day.

This is the first time that I really have felt comfortable with the dentist.  I appreciated the way he talked with me.  We had some chats that felt comfortable.

I forgot how sore your mouth can be after dental procedures though.

Update on Sleep Studies

On the day the sleep study in the lab was scheduled, we had to cancel because the insurance company had not responded.  We rescheduled the appointment for another 2 weeks away to give the insurance company more time.

Yesterday I heard that the Insurance company had responded, but the request was denied.  The insurance company wants us to try an AutoPap.  I have an appointment with the ENT guy again in 2 weeks to find out more information.

Friday, June 7, 2019

National Chocolate Ice Cream Day

Today is National Chocolate Ice Cream Day!

Saturday, June 1, 2019

Home study results

I heard back from the second home sleep test almost two weeks ago.  I received a phone call from the sleep lab telling me that I need to come in to the Sleep Lab for a titration test.  That means to find out if a CPAP will help me and what the settings on the machine should be.  They set the appointment for 2 weeks out to see if they could get insurance approval.  The appointment will be Monday if the insurance has agreed

The next day Stone's office called.  They called to give me my results.  They said that I was identified as having severe apnea.  They check for how many times you stop breathing in an hour for 10 seconds or more.  My number was around 36 and 30 is considered severe.  Something needs to be done to help me.

The thing that I found interesting is that if they can get this in control, some of my other health issues could improve.  That would be amazing.

Yes, I know that it is silly but going in to the lab for this testing has made me extremely nervous.

June pillow

I love this pillow.  Isn't it cute?