Tuesday, November 19, 2013

New window

More photos of my broken window right before it was replaced:

Doesn't this look nice?

Thursday, November 14, 2013


What a strange day today was.  

As a school, we went to Roosevelt Jr High to watch the production of Beauty and the Beast,  Apparently there was a mix up as they had overbooked.  There were not even seats for many classes.  By the time we arrived, the seats were already filled and we had about 6 classes that had not been seated. 

They started the play before many of us were seated.  It was very dark in the auditorium.  They decided to give my students chairs and have them sit in the aisles single file.  I went down to help my students get settled because they didn't understand what they were to do.  By the time I had the first group situated and went back up to bring the next group down, I was shocked to find that they had taken the rest of my class somewhere else.  When I asked about it, I was told to sit down, relax and enjoy the show.  My students would be fine.

Well, I was a nervous wreck trying to figure out where they might have taken my students.  How would I ever find them at the end to gather them back together to get to the bus, etc.?  I was so worried. The play was goodbut I couldn't enjoy it.

 I had a student who wasn't feeling well on the bus.  I was waiting to get everyone settled so that I could check on her again.  She was in the group that had disappeared.  I worried about her.
To make a long story short, before the end of the play, I did locate my missing students so that we could be gathered together.  My one little gal was ill.  We contacted her mother working in Roosevelt and she came to pick her up.  We made it to the bus with everyone!

I stopped by Gardners to pick up my prescriptions that Mandy brought up for me.  I started telling Meg and Mary about the crazy time at the play.  All of a sudden, in the middle of telling, I started to feel a little sick.  I finished my tale and stated that I had better go home.  I got up and headed down the stairs.

To my horror, after about 2 steps, I realized that I wasn't going to make it.  I ran back upstairs to the garbage can and proceeded to throw up.  It was awful.  I couldn't stop for what seemed like forever.  Everything that was in me, was coming out both ends with NO warning at all.  Meg tried to take care of me and emptied the trash for me, etc.  I felt so bad that she had to take care of it.  It is bad enough being sick, but doing it in someone else's home was terrible!

I made it home, tried to sleep when I could.  I didn't feel 100% by morning so Beth substituted for me.

It was a strange experience!  I hope that I am finished with that!

Special Thanks

I received an annonymous note today at school.  This is what it said:

Dear Miss Snapp,
Years have gone by since my child had you as a teacher but going through some old school papers has reminded me how much my son loved you as a teacher and the positive attitude you had in helping him learn and grow.  Thank you!

Wasn't that the sweetest thing?  It means a great deal that someone would take time out of their busy schedules to send a positive message.  It certainly made my day!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Beautiful Morning

 I thought that the sky was so beautiful this morning.  I wish the pictures were as striking as the sky really was!