Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Aspen tree removal

I had three aspen trees that had been planted right next to the house.  Many people have through the years I have lived here, have warned me that this was potential trouble.  The tree roots could cause damage to the foundation of my home.

The bishopric called me a couple of weeks ago asking if I had any jobs that the ward could work on for Stake Service Day.  Quite a crew came to help and the trees were cut down, chopped up and removed by 10am!  

During the tree removal:

After the tree removal:

Friday, August 9, 2013

Before and After

My hair got gotten so long... and I couldn't seem to make arrangements to have it cut.
This picture shows what it looked like curled... and the following photo 
shows it washed the morning I went to the salon.

Baily Brinkerhoff cut my hair and added some highlights today.  
These are the "after" photos!