Thursday, January 24, 2013

Gas Leak

Today was a strange and unusual day.  Somewhere close to 10:45am we received an announcement over the intercom system at school that we were to lock the doors, turn out the lights and evacuate the building as quickly as possible.  Before that could be completed, a new message came saying that we just needed to get out as quickly and orderly as possible without worrying about lights and doors.  I knew this wasn't a drill but couldn't imagine what the problem could be.... so out we went.

This time of day is our Power Hour, where we teach kids by grouping them according to the skills they need so I did not have many of my own students at the time.  I hate that as it takes a little bit of time to get all the children rounded back to the right places.

Soon after I got all of my students back, the word came that we were evacuated over to the church across the street.  Luckily it was a bit warmer today than it has been as most of the students did not have coats on.  We made it across the street and took the students to the cultural hall (gym) and had them sit in rows in there while we waited for news of what was happening.  I had a student on crutches and the trip was very tough for her.  She was crying, but keeping up and doing the best she could.  A parent volunteer stopped and helped her across the street so that I could just worry about the others.  I was so thankful!  We had a police officer stopping all traffic so that we could get across the street.

Although I was concentrating so hard on getting my students into the building and didn't even notice - the fire engines, ambulance and many police officers were there.  I am amazed at how quickly this all took place.  

We discovered that a severe gas leak had been discovered somewhere outside the lunchroom and by the mobile Kindergarten unit.  They needed to locate the problem and then fix it.  They realized right away that this would NOT be a quick fix so they decided to send us home.  Apparently, most of our buses were in Duchesne being serviced so we had to wait until they could be brought back up.

Parents were notified as soon as we could and many of them started coming to pick up their children.  By about 12:30 all students were gone.

We had however been banned from the building so all purses, etc. were not accessible. In fact they even placed tape on all the doors forbidding entrance! When you are told to evacuate NOW, you get the kids out and that's all you think about. Not having my purse, computer, etc. only came a problem AFTER all the kids were taken care of ....and realizing that we couldn't go back in the building at all! Who needs drivers licenses, money, etc anyway, right? We had the important things taken care of ... all children and adults safe. It certainly made for an interesting day. 

I had my keys so I knew that it would be no problem for me to get home.  We didn't know when we would be able to return ... we had to wait for notification.  The workers continued to work well into the night.  We received the clear signal that anything was fixed just before 9:00pm.  So glad to be able to go back in to the school in the morning!

Special thanks again to ALL who helped my students and me  ... From helping my student on crutches to those making cell phone calls. I appreciate you SO much! 

From having this happen, we know some things that we can do to make it go more smoothly if we have to ever evacuate again.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Goodbye to this home

I love this home.  This was the home of Uncle Leo, Aunt Florence and Ann!  It was absolutely my very favorite place to be when I was a kid.  Ann was always special to me.  I felt like she was more like a sister to me, rather than a cousin.  I adored her and thought that she always treated me with such love and kindness.  Both Uncle Leo and Aunt Florence were special to me, as well.  There was always an amount of spoiling when I was in this home.  Aunt Florence went out of her way to make me feel special and to do whatever she could to make my time there special.

There was only happiness and joy for me here. I knew that I was always welcomed with open arms in this home. I also felt great love in this home.  In a way, I feel it was the home of my childhood as we moved around so much. 

It has been sold and no longer belongs to family members.  What a sad day!

Wednesday, January 2, 2013