Saturday, November 26, 2011


For Thanksgiving, I went to Green River with the Gardners.  Ann Thayn, Beth's sister, hosted the dinner.  Here are a few scenes of the day.

 Playing a game of "Time's Up!"

As you can see, this brought smiles to everyone's faces! 
Isn't Cassy adorable?

Three more shots from Mandy!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Teacher, friend, reader and hard worker
Daughter of great parents: Sidney and Mavis
Lover of good books, chocolate, and a cold drink of water
Who feels joy, happiness and sometimes overwhelmed
Who gives instruction and help to students, smiles to her friends, and help to others as needed
Who fears failure, evaluations and mice
Who would like to see her family more often, all students succeed, and the beauties of America
Who lives in Altamont

The big bad mouse

An incident happened again this week where I had to turn to others for help.  That is so difficult for me to do.

I had a mouse in my house.  On Tuesday when I came home from school, I saw it in the corner of my guest bathroom next to the cupboard under the sink.  I put out a sticky trap hoping it would go for the bait.  It was still there the next morning.

I decided to try to be brave and to try to trap the mouse.  I took a garbage container in and set it on its side hoping I could get the mouse to run into it so I could take it outside.  I got my broom out and tried to head the mouse in the direction I needed.  At that point, I discovered the mouse was somehow caught.  It could NOT leave the corner, even though it definitely tried.

It was still there when I came home from school and I knew that I needed someone to take care of it for me because I just couldn't do it.

I was going to ask a neighbor around the corner if he would come and take care of it for me, but those neighbors were gone.  I called the Elder's quorum president to find out that they have disconnected their phone.  I had already waited hours and couldn't figure out who I dared to call for such a stupid request.

I hate being a needy, weak person.  I finally broke down and called the high priest group leader.  He came over and took care of the mouse for it.  It was caught by the tail, as I had suspected.  By the time he came over, the mouse had died.  I just couldn't handle touching it.  I know that is completely foolish, but real to me none the less.

I am so thankful to this sweet man who rescued me!  Although he said it wasn't a big deal, it was HUGE to me.  Thank you for taking care of me at a time I just couldn't do it myself.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Always remember

Left or right brained?

I took an online brain test the other day and here are my results:

Carol, you are mildly left-hemisphere dominant while showing a slight preference for auditory processing. This overall combination seems to indicate a well-working blend of logic and judgment and organization, with sufficient intuition, perception and creativity to balance that dominance.
You will at times experience conflict between how you feel and what you think which will generally be resolved in favor of what you think. You will find yourself interested in the practical applications of whatever material you have learned or whatever situation you face and will retain the ability to refine whatever knowledge you possess or aspects of whatever position you are in.
By and large, you will orient yourself toward intellectual activities and structure. Though not rigid, you will schedule yourself, plan, and focus on routine and continuity of operations, rather than on changes and disruptions
When changes or disruptions occur, you are likely to consider first how to ensure that such disruptions do The same balance is reflected in your sensory preference. You will tend to be reflective and measured in your interaction style. For the most part, you will be considered objective without being cold and goal-oriented while retaining the capacity to listen to others.
Preferentially you learn by listening and maintaining significant internal dialogues with yourself. Nevertheless, you have sufficient visualization capabilities to benefit from using graphs, charts, doodles, or even body movement to enhance your comprehension and memory.
To the extent that you are even implicitly aware of your hemispheric dominance and sensory style, you will feel most comfortable in those arenas which emphasize verbal skills and logic. Teaching, law, and science are those that stand out among the professions, along with technical sales and management.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Things I am Thankful for 3

I'm Thankful For.... ALL sorts of other things
  • Water - available at the turn of a faucet, so grateful for running water in a home!
  • Warm bath/Hot shower - Nothing warms you up so quickly when you are freezing and makes you feel so fresh and clean!
  • Comfy bed - I just wish that I could roll over and stay in that bed a longer in the mornings!
  • Heat - again, so grateful to have at the click of a switch.  
  • Electricity - I know I take it very granted until something happens that takes it away for awhile. Oh, how I hate it then and realize how much I use it each day.
  • Car - love having a car, especially when it works well!
  • Garage and remote garage door openers - I am so happy each morning NOT to have to scrape ice from the windows.... Love the automatic garage opener - I missed it when my opener was broken!
  • Modern technologies of all kinds - microwaves, radios, tvs, computers, etc.
And I'm Thankful For.... Beauties of Nature
  • Flowers - they smell so good and bring such beauty into a room
  • Sunrises, sunsets = Love the colors of the sky
  • Bodies of water: oceans, lakes, waterfalls - What wonders of nature these are - very relaxing and peaceful
  • Mountains

And I'm Thankful For.... Joy and laughter

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Things I Am Thankful for 2

The List continues on ....

I'm Thankful For.... 

Things I Like About Me
  • Dependable - I can be counted on to do something if I have agreed to take on that task.  I think that my "word" stands for something.
  • Accomplishing goals - generally if I set forth to accomplish and complete something, I am able to complete the task.  I do think that I also try to give most efforts my very best attempt.
  • Good friend - very dedicated to those I care about
  • Being a reader - books are such a blessing.  The words of a book open a new world for you... you can travel anywhere you want to go, any time that you would like to visit, learn anything that is out there to learn if you so desire.  The joy of reading and sharing my reading is great.

I'm Thankful For.... Good Luck & Blessings
  • Good health - no major complication with health.  I am healthy enough to accomplish the things that I want and need to do.
  • Modern medicines - to help me remain healthy and strong
  • Living in America - I do appreciate all the opportunities and freedoms that we have living in this amazing country.
  • Testimony - having been taught by loving parents, knowing that "I am a child of God," knowing that there is a Heavenly Father who does care about each of us
  • Eternal Forgiveness - which I know I need each and every day
  • Daily Forgiveness - from those around me when I made mistakes as I journey through each day
  • Knowledge that there is life after death - knowing that I will again be reunited with loved ones who have through through to the other side

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Things I Am Thankful For 1

Since it is the month of Thanksgiving, I will in the next few days take some moments to reflect on some of the things that I am thankful for:

I'm Thankful For....The Special PeopleThat Have Been In My Life
  • Family members that have always been a part of my life, who have guided and directed me, taught me, and supported me through good times and bad:  My Parents, my brothers and their families, my Uncle Leo and Aunt Florence, My cousin Ann and her family 
  • The "extra families" that I have had through the years (times that I was away from my own family members):The Dimick family, The Mitchell family and the Gardner family        
  • Friends throughout the years.  There has always been someone special nearby.  Friends to laugh and to cry with.  Thank heavens for all these friends.

I'm Thankful For.... What I've Been Able To Do And Accomplish   
  • My education - for finishing and earning a college degree, for being able to continue my education through classes, inservices, workshops, etc. throughout the years
  • My teaching degree and job as an elementary teacher -  I am grateful to be a teacher... it is what I always wanted to be .... never much doubt if it was the right choice for me
  • Buying a Home - home ownership is something that I didn't think would happen in my life, love my home, grateful for such a beautiful place to be my home
  • Callings I have fulfilled - all of these have given me experience and knowledge that I am thankful for, as well as growth from the association with some very special people
  • Experiences - Living in several states throughout my life: Idaho, Arizona, Indiana, California,  New York, Washington, and Utah

Friday, November 4, 2011

Surprise Knock on the Door!

Knock, knock, knock!
I got up to answer the door to find a surprise waiting there!

 The bread was still hot, fresh from the oven! Yum! Yum!
The note says, "Thank you for being my teacher."  From a mystery person.
What a sweet thing to do.  Thanks so much!

Thursday, November 3, 2011


With all the testing that has to take place at school, this is close to the way I sometimes feel.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Morning Sky

I didn't take this photo, but this is the color of the sky for a few minutes this morning.
The color was truly a bright pink.

As you can see, my camera doesn't show the pure color, but these show the morning sky.

 As I made a 90 degree turn, you could see the sun coming up.  That part of the sky was gorgeous!