Monday, January 25, 2010

New glasses

Here I am with my new glasses... I haven't decided if I really like them or not. Maybe I will adjust and get use to them but they don't seem to be adjusted exactly right. I am not focusing absolutely correct. I hope that will adjust within the next couple days.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Getting Better With Age

I went to the eye doctor today. He said that there were no signs of glaucoma or cataracts.... that my eyes looked healthy and then came the real surprise! He said that my eyesight had actually improved some from the last time that I had glasses. I thought that was strange but he said that as you are aging that sometimes happens but the next time it may change the other way. He said that it is fairly normal.

He said just be happy and tell everyone that you are "getting better with age!"

I should have my new glasses in about 7 - 10 days!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Can't remember for sure what day it was - either Wednesday or Thursday - had an H1N1 shot. Wow! The lady giving the shot was one of the best ever. I honestly didn't even feel the shot as she was giving it. Excellent! The arm burned a tiny bit for awhile and was a little sore, but not bad at all! Now, if I can just stay healthy!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Losing it for sure

I can't believe the strange things that have been happening to me lately. I think I am losing my mind on top of it all! Don't laugh - this is for real.

After school, Peggy drove Sandra and I to Tabiona where we met with Bonnie Roberts and worked some more on our podcast storyboarding. We worked there a couple of hours and then returned to school. I was very tired so I just went in and gathered up a few things.

My car has a problem during the winter months of NOT wanting to start. I don't drive it enough to really charge it up because my trips are all short little jaunts. If I don't have the car idle until the temperature gauge gets to the center position, it often won't start the next time I go to get in it. It almost didn't start when we ran to the store at lunch and just barely cranked and started when I wanted to go home. I knew that I needed to let it idle when I got home or I wouldn't be able to get it started in the morning. So I left it idling and unloaded the car and went in the house.

To make a long story shorter, I fell asleep in the chair shortly after sitting down in the house. Needless to say, I TOTALLY forgot about the car. I woke up, crawled in bed and all the while the car was idling in the open garage. You can image my shock and horror in the morning when I realized what I had done.

I went running out to see what damage I had done to the car - fully expecting to find the car dead. No, it was still running! I jumped in and turned the car off. The temperature gauge was in the normal range but the gas gauge said that I had a full tank of gas. Obviously, that wasn't correct.

After school, I went to gas the car up so I could at least see how much gas I had. As I was waiting for my turn at the gas pump, the gauge started moving. It kind of settled on the 3/4 of a tank. When I put the gas in, it took about 4.8 gallons. It wasn't as bad as I had been afraid that it might be. I just hope every day that I didn't do some other damage to the car.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Not Again!

After school today I was transferring photos from my camera onto my laptop when suddenly I heard a pop and my right lense popped out of my glasses and landed on the desk in front of me. I can't believe that I am having all of these problems with glasses! Luckily, the screw was still there. It had just come apart. I knew that Karen, our secretary, had a eye glass repair kit in her desk so we were able to put this back together this time!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Life is Crazy

Here it is the 9th of January and I haven't blogged yet jn 2010! Life has been crazy. This Friday is end of term so that has kept us busy and I have been working on starting ideas for the new podcast for EMED!

Ran across this photo online so will end with this thought today:

Friday, January 8, 2010

Thinking too hard?

The strangest thing happened today at school. The students were watching "American Tale" because we have been talking about immigration and what it was like passing through Ellis Island. This movie shows what much of that was like. I was grading papers when I felt and heard a small pop. I reached up and discovered that the frame of my glasses had broken. The left ear piece had broken off from the main frame. I knew by looking at it that it couldn't be fixed.

I ran home and picked up my old pair of glasses so that I could at least see!