Monday, May 17, 2010

The Princess Is Sleeping

Ciara is now sleeping in a big girl princess bed. To get things ready for the new baby we needed to get Ciara a new dresser. Ciara now uses the same dresser that I used when I was a little girl. Thanks to Grandma for getting a new canopy bed at a garage sell Ciara sleeps in the most perfect little girl room I can imagine.

She was so excited as we were cleaning out her room and getting it all set up. Then when it was time for bed she just hopped right in and went to bed. She looked so little in such a big bed!

She loves showing her new room off to people who visit, and she LOVES playing in it and making such a big mess!!!!

Ciara is 3 1/2 now and I can't believe that in less than 12 weeks that is really won't be my baby anymore. She is so adorable and fun to be around, and it is so much fun to have a girly-girl to do girl things with!