How are you on this fine day! Don't fall off your chair, but I have created a layout for this months challenge over at SCRAP THE GIRLS which is....

some closer views..
guess it yet?? hehe!!
Yep thats me I reckon!! This is a photo from last Christmas and it is a Red Velvet Icecream cake.. now that sounds complicated but it truly isnt.. I use a Red Velvet cake mix and cook it in a cheesecake pan, then take the side off and cut the cake in half, add icecream which has been melted a little which also has honeycomb, turkish delight etc added then put the lid of the cake on and freeze that.. then the top has chocolate ganache added with crushed flake chocolate... so very yum!!
Domestic Goddess!!
I have used really old papers which all seemed to go together!! so there, thats me..
Thanks for coming by today.. cant believe how fast this month has gone.. there is lots on for me for next month so I guess I had better buckle up for a busy May!!
Thanks for the lovely comments you leave me too.. I do appreciate each one!!