Monday, November 16, 2009
Kaiser Outlet - Fun Day
There is going to be a Family day at the Kaisercraft Outlet on November 28th from 9am - 2pm.
Sausage sizzle, face painting, showbags, and lucky dips. Discounted items, Friday frenzy madness.
Get a little of the Christmas spirit and share your creative talents. You will be able to make a card to send to our kids (ones that Kaisercraft support),
even get your shopping gift wrapped in our limited edition Kaisercraft wrapping paper.
Come along and support Chez
Sunday, November 1, 2009
December 12th - Christmas Workshop
Hi everyone
It feels like ages since i wrote to you all.
South Africa was fantastic and I thank all you guys who came and helped me out with the practice class - it was awesome to iron out the wrinkles beforehand. Next year I'm thinking of doing a few classes randomly like that for you guys to participate in if you would like so feel free to suggest the types of things you would like, even if it is only a smaller group. Naturally they will cost as i will have to purchase the products but if you are interested just let me know as i can plan these and other dates for next year. We are currently working on getting dates for all the crops in advance. The thought of a retreat has gone through my head also would love your suggestions - if any of you know a great place that would be good to and also trying to gauge interest so let me know if you would be interested in attending one
NEXT WORKSHOP: 12th December
TIME: 9 am - 10pm
WHERE: Barrabool Hills Community Church, Province Blvd, Highton
FANCY DRESS - Christmas Theme
COMPETITIONS: Layout / cards / BTP so get creative - theme Christmas. Start creating now - no rules - no particular products have to be used. Enter once in each category only. Prize for each
Once again going to ask that you start collecting a few items that you could donate for hampers and we will have hampers to disperse again like last year for needy families in the community.
PRICE: $35 for Basic scrap and Chat - DINNER is included in this cost - and yes it will be a fantastic Christmas feast especially being held up at the church with the Winters looking after us again. - Gosh they are sooooo good to us.
There will be an additional kits which will be an additional cost but I am still finalizing these but but realize it is getting close - so will open it up now to you all if you want to pay for the basic scrap and chat ($35)and let me know later if you want to participate in the planned classes or purchase kits
Bank details are as usual (please put your name on the details as it makes it easier for me to track back and please email me the date you deposit anything)
BSB: 063551
A/c 10141667
PS on another note - OUR WELL has been dug and up and running for a community in India. I will forward a picture soon once i get one taken but again a huge thanks to everyone who contributed to the last workshop.
Feel free and please forward this email to your friends who aren't on this listing .
The last one for the year. and the first we have had for ages so lets make this a biggy. We can sacrifice the shop for extra people if required or set up thes hop part in the hallway somewhere.
Looking forward to catching up with you all really soon
love Melissa
Lend a Hand for Leukemia

So come on guys if you are looking for an all day crop while waiting for our final biggie for the year in December why not come along to this one. Im teaching one of the classes but there are plenty more to choose from.
Here are the details for our 3rd annual fundraising day:
When: Sunday 8th November 2009
where: Buckley’s Function Centre, Breakwater.
Why: To raise money for the Leukaemia Foundation.
WHAT: We are running an all day Crop & classes from 9am-5pm. Bring all the projects you want to work on and enjoy being with fellow crafters. The tables are 6ft doubles & with four to a table there will be heaps of space to spread out and craft. Cost $25.00
For more information check our HERE or pop into Chandon Craft and see one of the girls.