No doubt many of you have been shocked, touched even brought to tears by what has been happening in Victoria with the bushfires. How can part of Australia be under water due to floods and here devastating fires....and to think some of them were deliberately lit.
Its hard to think about loosing everything, I know how shattering it was when only our garage burnt down... but the reality of it all is some of these people now don't even own a toothbrush let along a bed to sleep in. For many as well as their houses all their treasured memories(keepsakes and photographs) have gone too. Just close your eyes and try to imagine how you would feel if all your beautifull scrapbooks and photos disappeared. There is a way we can help out these families put these back together again. They will have the massive task of trying to gather photographs from relatives and friends but in the meantime we can help out with the albums.

For anyone in the Geelong area.
Friday 27th February - 6-10 pm We will be having a Crop at the Kaisercraft Outlet Workshop. We have space for 100 people so come along and get some scrapping done or even make one of those layouts for the victims as mentioned above.
Cost - $10 (or however much you wish to donate) - 100% of money will be give to the Fire Appeals