I know if Geelong makes it to the finals we may have a few people short - but you know those two big screens - well if we make it for those of you who don't go Im sure i will be able to get it put up on the screens - so hoping that doesn't deter you.Now as for the cause - i really are going to have you trust me on this one.... The money is going to go to someone who NEEDS it and it is someone many of you know from our workshops BUT... really want to keep this a surprise so please..... don't make me say. If you really must know personally email me but bear in mind I may just wan to keep it a secret....
Date: Saturday 20th September
Time: 10am - 10pm
Where: Barrabool Hills Baptist (entry now via the new roundabout in Scenic Road)
Price: $25 - $40 depending on kit chosenDinner is included.
BYO Nibbles and lunch to share.plus... other little surprises throughout the day...
Raffles etc will be held throughout the day
Again we will have Kaiser product on hand during the day if you need any extra bits and pieces.
Feel free to invite friends, for those of you who have been you will be able to guarantee your friends they will have a fun day and of course meet lots of lovely new friends.
Registrations: Rego forms will be available to download at the end of the month and these are to be returned with payment prior to the 31st August. Places will only be held for those people who have actually paid.
Again there will be three options
1. $25 Free Scrapping (Includes Dinner)
2. $30 Includes 10 sheets of printed papersof your choice.
3. $40 Things I Love About You - Kit (Boy or Girl)