Anwyay before I start balling - the next workshop is only 26 days away. Can you believe that. Due to work being so busy and me being away on holidays (sorry had to go and really I did have a fantastic time) all of a sudden it is almost on top of us. Anyway I realise that this may be short notice (though I did mention the date at the last workshop) and many of you may have a busy month in December so I am trying to get in early. I so hope you have this date free.... So lets make this the best one yet.
Get your Santa hats ready - we are dressing up. Well not quite but I would love you to come along dressed inChristmas theme. Yes - FANCY DRESS What is up to you. How far you go is up to you - so for some of you that many mean the jolly red fat man suit for others just a santas hat (me angel wings - what you fink!!!!! LOL nahhhh) - but come along dressed up and get into the festive spirit. BUT - there will be a prize for the best dressed. There will be food, there will be laughter, there will be music, dancing is up to you, there will be lots of scrapping and chatting so come along and meet some new friends, catch up with some old ones and get into the real spirit of Christmas as we are going to be helping out some families in the community at the same time.
When: Saturday 8th December
Where: Barrabool Hills Community Church
Time: 9 am - 10pm
Cost: $35 (RSVP and payment to me by 25/11/07 at the latest)
Price includes: Choice of one of two kits and a fantastic Christmas Dinner. Naturally there will be other little gifts and surprises during the day but telling you will spoil the surprises.
This is not compulsory - but I will have empty baskets for hampers up the front - so if you would like to also bring along, on the day, 1 or 2 non perishable food items for something suitable for a Christmas hamper it would be greatly appreciated too.
As per usual - there will be the great company - but only if you come - the more the merrier we say. (If you can't stay for dinner - $30)
All money raised will go towards families in our community who at this time of year have different needs. Presents brought will be dependant on the amounts we raise. These are three needs that have come to my attention in the past weeks but if we raise more money than expected we may support more families too, so if this is the case I will add them to the list.
Family 1: Dad is about to loose job and has previously arranged to have Christmas at their house. There little girl is highly allergic to a number of things - therefore it would be hard to supply this family with a hamper so would love to be able to give them a lovely Coles/Myer voucher and also a voucher to take their little family to the Zoo or someplace similar.
Family 2: A local sudanese Family in the community - In this case would love to give them a HUGE Christmas hamper full of lovely Christmas goodies
Family 3: This is actually just one man. He is a paraplegic and naturally spends most of time in a wheel chair. He would love to enjoy his backyard but can't get into certain areas of it. Members of our church are going to do a front/backyard blitz on his place but thought it would be nice to give him a voucher to buy plants with.
For those of you who have never scrapped before I have a limited supply of tools so do not let that stop you from coming along - just let me know and I can arrange some things for you to borrow.
What Can We Do:
Kit 1: Many of you have mentioned to me that you just want to scrap some of the layouts, even though it feels a little slack on my behalf but that is what I have decided to do as one of the choices. I will bring copies of the all the layouts from all our paper ranges incl.(6 NEW PAPER RANGES) and you can then choose16 papers (4 collections or individual sheets) and you can scrap them anyway you like. Some of you may want to make gifts with them, others cards and others just catch up on that backlog of photos. You will need to bring your own photos and embellishments

Kit 2: Desk Calendar - You will get the Beyond the Page Desk Calendar and 8 sheets of paper(of your choice again), rings etc. Print out of calendar will be available in white (but also able to be downloaded if you would like to print it on a different color) You will need to bring your own photos (12 x 4x6") ribbons and embellishments.
As usual there will be sales of other products on the day. This is a great opportunity to start making some of those gifts you would like to give as presents - Christmas is only43 days away. (That is scary....)
So download the Registration Form ( and either get the money to me in cash or direct deposit into bank account below: Please please please, if you are direct depositing write you name of the description.
Name: M Kennedy
BSB: 063-551
AC: 1014 1667
Now what have I forgotten - there will be something so If you have any questions please feel free to email or phone me. Feel free to invite friends - I would love you to - the more people we have the more people we can help out. Looking forward to catching up with you all again