Well what can I say !!!! I am totally exhausted but what a day. If you had as much fun as I did Im sure you would agree with me that it was a good day. I don't think I have laughed so much for ages. For you first timers, I hope you also enjoyed yourselves. As you saw from the set up it is a bit hard to get you all to work together at teh same pace as you are all doing different things, and there are some that just like to chat all day. wink wink. One comment I had was I don't mind if I do no scrapping I'll be back for the fun and the food. Which brings me to a few thank yous.
There is no way I would have gotten everything I did done without all you guys chipping in and helping out. Thank you so much for the girls who helped me set up on Friday and to you all for doing your own dishes after dinner and even packing away your own trestles (you have no idea how much that helps at the end of the night) - you are all trained so well....and to those who stayed behind afterwards(and hid my shoes and stole my car and then lovingly packed if for me).Thank you so much to you all for making me laugh so much that I was literally ROFLPMP.
Massive, huge, enormous (that is the size of my stomach afterwards)
thank you so much to Robyn and Terry Winter and the kids for all the help and for making us again the most delicious dinner. I have received so many comments and you did such a wonderful job. We want you forever cooking for us.
Moreso I just want to thank all of you who donated shoeboxes. We received over 110 boxes - I actually stopped counting... It is such a simple way to show these kids there are people around that care and they will be so blessed to receive them. I hope you all got a kick out of putting them together too. I was totally blown away by all your generosity and looking at all the boxes quite emotional. Thank you all so much for participating in this.
To the granny brigade, thank you so much for participating and having a go even though some of you haven't ever scrapped before - what great sports. Love to see people having a go and hope you all can come next time too.
Its great to catch up all of you and I love the new friendships that are being made. I hope you all got a chance to talk to someone new also. AS mentioned before some of my bestest friends are turning out to be people I have met through scrapbooking. I have just finished reading the card that I couldn't read yesterday as I know I would have ended up a blubbering mess but thank you all for you lovely words - I'm not sure about being an 'inspiration' but I love organising these and you girls are all so much fun to be with - Ive been given so much that this is just a little way that together (not on my own) we can give some of it back to others that need it. We sung a song at church this morning and I couldn't help but think that is just how I feel.
"So blessed I can't contain it,
so much I've got to give it away
Your love has taught me to live now
You are more than enough for me"Thanks again and I look forward to the 8th December for our last one for the year