Sunday, May 23, 2010

Saturday is a Special Day, It's a Day We Get Ready For...

Hair found in the garbage can. At least she didn't try to make a mess! :)

The damage...luckily she didn't cut her bangs.

Look at that guilty face! lol

The finishing product! The hairstylist did a pretty good job without
having to chop off a lot of her hair.

Our Garden

Amanda helping her dad...maybe a little too much! :)

Little Kaitlyn watching from the sidelines, just enjoying being outside.

This weekend was quite the weekend, or should I say Saturday. I woke up with a headache and one of my teeth were hurting. Then I realized that my upper cheek was hurting so bad that it felt like I was punched in the face. After calling my dentist, we realized I may have a sinus infection. Luckily my doctor was able to order a antibiotic for me. As many of you may know, I have been training for the Utah Valley Half Marathon and my Saturdays are the day I do my longer runs...well so much for my 9 mile run that day.

Later Amanda was back in her room playing...well what we thought was playing. She came in and Roy grabbed her, started to talk to her for fun. He ran his fingers through her hair and the next thing he knows their is a chunk of hair in his hands. Amanda says, "Oh I cut my hair". Well, we found more chunks of hair in the bathroom and most of it in the garbage. Here are some lovely photos of the incident. lol We ended up making a hair appointment for that afternoon to make the best of the hairdo. Lots of damage was more ponytails, braiding, etc for awhile. The hair stylist did the best she could to blend the short ends. Since it takes so long for her hair to grow, we figured we better not chop most of it off and try to keep some length. I had to take pictures...I am sure we will look back on this and laugh..just not too ideal when I wasn't feeling too good.

We also we able to get our garden planted, thanks to Roy! He is our expert gardener and always have tons of produce throughout the summer. Roy & Amanda planted corn, cantelope, zucchini, pumpkins, peas, beans, and tomatos. Although...I sometimes wonder why so many tomato plants?? We have 8 this year!! I think we will be canning a lot! :) Well, this was our adventurous Saturday! Hope you all get a good laugh! :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day

I have to admit, I think this was the best Mother's Day I have had so far! :) On Friday, Amanda came home with her flower craft with her little picture on it. It was so sweet! She was so excited to show it to me.

Saturday, I was able to run 8 miles. I wasn't sure if I would be able to accomplish it since I hadn't ran that far since before I had kids. I was able to do it and was still feeling great afterwards! After the hardwork, Roy paid for me to get my hair done. :) I love getting pampered! :)

Then on Sunday, I wasn't really expecting too much, but after church was over Kaitlyn & Amanda both had something for me. Amanda had a rose with a tender little poem and Kaitlyn had a little poem also from Nursery...although really next month she will be nursery age. :) I have to admit, as I read these two little poems, I got choked up. They were so sweet. I thought I would share them with you.

Sometimes you get discouraged
Because I am so small
And always leave my fingerprints
On furniture and walls.
But every day I'm growing up
I'll be grown up someday
And all those tiny handprints
Will surely fade away.
So here's a final handprint
Just so you can recall
Exactly how my fingers looked
When I was three feet tall!
Love, Kaitlyn

Oh Mother when I think of you,
I cannot help but smile.
I think of all the little things
That make my life worthwhile.
You're smile, your laugh, your gentle touch,
You make be feel so safe.
The way you tuck me in at night
And softly touch my face.
I know that I don't always do
The things I know I should,
But everyday I learn from
Your example what is good.
I hope you always know dear mom,
I think you're really grea,
And someday I'll be just like you
I can hardly wait!
But until then, while I am small,
With so many needs to attend,
Just know I loe you more each day
And I'm thankful you're my friend.
Love, Amanda

I also have to say, we stopped by my Mom's grave to drop of flowers on her grave. I have so much gratitude for my Mom. She is such a great example to me! She is an amazing woman and was able to raise 11 kids. Mom I don't know how you did it! But I know you are definitely gifted. I love and miss you soo much!