Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Birthday Mom! Happy Birthday Kaitlyn! & Merry Christmas!

Decorating Mom's grave with Amanda. She was a big helper!

Kaitlyn, my brother - Pat, me & Amanda

Me, Kaitlyn, Amanda & Roy

It was my Mom's birthday on December 1st. As a tradition we go to her grave and decorate it in rememberance of her. It was another birthday were there was no snow on the ground...which made it quite nice to decorate without getting wet, yet it was very cold! It will be 4 years in May since my mom has passed away. We were able to have my brother, Pat come join us this year in decorating which made it even more fun. Pat is such a fun brother!

Dad is in the process of putting together a headstone for Mom's grave. It is beautiful and will be put out this Spring/Summer 2010. My cousin will be making it! I think it has been a hard process for Dad emotionally, but he has done a wonderful job! We all miss Mom so much and there are so many questions I have for her now that I have my own kids. How did she do it with 11 kids?! She is amazing and is definitely good with children. :)

Here is my little Baby Kay! She is just learning to stand on her 1st birthday!

Kaitlyn's new thing is carrying the bottle in her mouth...I think she may think she is a puppy...she sure does try to keep our floors clean. lol :)

Singing Happy Birthday with family. She was so excited!

Kaitlyn's first cupcake ever! I think she liked it! :)

We finally have a new family picture with Kaitlyn. I can't believe how fast time flies! Kaitlyn just took her first few steps this past week. She is such a happy baby, even when she wakes up she is just glowing with her beautiful smile! She just lights up the room. She can say "Dada", "MaMa", "Hi", and we are pretty sure we have heard her say "thank you" once or twice.

Well it is hard to believe Christmas is here! I feel so blessed to have Christ in my life. I am so grateful for him and his example. He has done so much for all of us! This year has been amazing and we hope all of you are doing well. We wish you all a wonderful Christmas and
Happy New Year!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Well, I have to admit...I am glad Halloween is over! But we definitely did have fun. Roy & I took Amanda and Kaitlyn out trick or treating. Amanda was Belle off of "Beauty and the Beast" and Kaitlyn was Tinkerbell. They both were really cute in their costumes! We didn't have Jessica and Ammon this year but they did stop by earlier in the afternoon. Jessica was a witch and Ammon was a knight. They were pretty excited to show off their costumes. :)

Monday, August 31, 2009

Amanda's 3 year old pictures

My spunky little girl, Amanda, had her pictures taken on Saturday for her 3rd birthday. We are excited to have some new ones. The last professional ones taken of her was back when she was 18 months old. Amanda was pretty excited! I was very pleased on how they turned out. :)

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday Pictures :)

Well we curled Amanda's hair for the first time. She actually held still. As many of you know, she is a busy busy little girl full of so much energy and personality.

Seven Peaks

Last week we finally made it to Seven Peaks Resort before it closes Labor Day weekend. Here are some fun pictures of our kids. I think they had a lot of fun and Amanda has been talking about it still and it has been a week! :) Enjoy the photos!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Mark the Great 5k Race

On August 1st, there was a benefit run for my cousin, Mark Richardson, who passed away suddenly by a heart attack. All the proceeds went to his family. As I pulled up to park, I got a huge lump in my throat and watery eyes as I saw what huge production it was. My cousin, Susan, did an amazing job!

We had all of our kids participate in the race. Jessica, Ammon and Roy (pushing Amanda and carrying Kaitlyn in a little back pack) did the 5k. I was planning on pushing a stroller but Roy insisted I should just run without having to push any of the kids. Amanda participate in her first kids race. Each of the younger kids recieved a little medal.

I also had a chance to see family and friends that I haven't seen for quite some time. It was so good to see everyone!

As you see these pictures...please don't laugh at! Don't you just hate it when you see pictures of yourself and you look heavier than you though you were? Well, I am still working on getting more pounds off thank goodness! :)

Better Late than Never

Okay I have been a slacker in keep my blog up-to-date. :) This summer has been pretty busy that I haven't made any time to sit down and download pictures and write a little something. At the end of July my little Amanda turned 3 years old and step-daughter, Jessica, turned 11 years old. My how time flies! Amanda was so excited to know it was her birthday and not somebody elses. lol and she was able to blow out her own candles. Jessica I think was excited to get Little Pets and "cool" clothes. :) I think they both had a wonderful birthdays.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Kaitlyn in Baby Contest 06-06-09

Baby Kay was in the Art City Days Baby Contest a couple of weeks ago. I just got the pictures back this week and thought you would like to see how they turned out. :) She didn't place but there were so many cute babies in her age division! Kaitlyn just turned 6 months the day before the contest. It was fun to see all the little ones!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We are famous! :) jk

Check out this commercial. It is my work advertising our Education Garden. My little family is in it. We are in the section with "Landscaping Ideas". Roy has Amanda on top of his shoulders and I am standing next to him holding the baby. Then after they show a mom with her daughter, we are in the next scene in front sitting with a group of people. Kinda fun! :)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Kaitlyn's 4 Month Pictures

I have been meaning to get Kaitlyn in for her 4 month pictures all month and I finally did it on Saturday...although today she just turned 5 months. lol Anyway, I thought you would get a kick out of her pictures. She was putting on quite the show at the photo studio. She was so happy and giggling. People were coming over to see her get her pictures taken. It was funny. She was definitely a good baby. By the time I sat down to see the pictures and decide what ones to get, she quietly fell asleep in my arms. She is quite the sweetheart!

Friday, April 24, 2009

Easter 2009

Well, we had a good Easter even though the weather was rainy. Just thought I would post some pictures from the Easter festivities. :) The top picture is our kids in their Easter clothes. It was the best picture we could get. They were all getting really impatient. hee hee And the rest are from Springville's Easter Egg Hunt.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Our 5th Anniversary!

It is hard to believe Roy and I have been married for 5 years, April 9, 2004! Yet we have known each other a lot longer than that...those good old high school days! :) A lot has happened in our five years. We have two little girls (Amanda & Kaitlyn) of our own and we have Jessica and Ammon. Each of them are our treasures! We have learned so much together, had tears of joy and tears of sadness, faced many challenges yet the Lord has blessed and comforted us.

I am so grateful for Roy. He is my sweetheart! I am grateful we got married in the temple for time and for eternity. I am grateful he is patient with me. I am grateful he likes to hold my hand and tells me often that he loves me. I love how when he sets his mind to something he goes all out. I love his smile and personality. I love that he enjoys being healthy and exercises. I love that he is close to his mom. I love that he is all about food storage and canning. I love how he makes up the difference of my weaknesses and those are his strengths.I love how he is thoughtful and giving. I am grateful he is an awesome daddy and husband. :) Thank you Roy for being you and for the wonderful years we have spent together!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Grandma Robinson's 90th Birthday Party

This past weekend we as a family drove up to Burley, Idaho and celebrated Roy's grandma's 90th birthday party! I keep thinking how lucky Roy is to still have a grandma alive and how neat that our kids can get to know her. I only knew my Grandma Richardson and she passed away when I think I was in 6th or 7th grade. My mom's parents and Grandpa Richardson passed away before I was born.
I have to admit when you think of someone who is 90 years old, I assume they have a walker and very fraile, but I was amazed she still had a lot of energy and still very active! I heard she even spanked one of the little kids running around. lol Go Grandma! She is an amazing woman!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Rex E. Lee 5k Run

Well on Saturday, March 14, 2009, I ran my first race since I had Kaitlyn around 3 months ago. It was at Brigham Young University for the cure for Cancer. It was a huge race. I didn't have much expectation for me other than I wanted to run less than 10 minute miles, but was cutting it pretty close from seeing my past practice runs. :) I am pleased to say I was able to run it in 29:39 minutes and I came in 7th place in my age group. I was pretty excited. I am hoping to get back to my faster pace from previous years and keep doing better with each race I do this year! :)

My cousin, Susan, also ran the race and she did amazing! She came in 3rd place overall. She finished in 19.50 minutes. Hopefully I have her running genes in me! :)

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Valentine's Day

Before Daddy came home, I got the girls dressed up in pink jumpers for Valentine's Day. I couldn't resist and had to get a picture of them together. But what a chore to get both of them to hold still or to look at the camera. :) Also, Amanda received a valentine gift from Hanni Brau (young woman in our ward). We had a good laugh with the cute headband, sun glasses and necklace. Amanda loved it!