Friday, December 26, 2014

Merry Christmas 2014 and Happy New Year!

Dear Family & Friends,
We hope all is well with you and your families.  It has been an amazing year.  As we have looked back, we realized it has been a “milestone” year.  We have been truly blessed and grown in so many different ways.  We thought it would be fun to share some of our highlights.

Jessica turned 16 years old and is a junior at Bingham High School.  She has officially started dating, and received her driver’s license.  She is excelling in school, and did an amazing job drawing a life size picture of the human skeletal system for her anatomy class.

Ammon is 14 years old and is in 8th grade. He played football again this year on the 8th grade A team.  Early in the season he broke his leg, yet still attended practice.  He was able to play the latter half of the season helping his team win the championship for the 8th graders.  Ammon also was able to be ordained a teacher in November. Happy Days! J 
Amanda is 8 years old.  She was baptized in September.  She was so excited for the day! J She is in 3rd grade and was able to participate in her school talent show.  She sang her first solo singing a famous song from the movie, “Frozen” called, “Do You Want to Build a Snowman”.  She did an amazing job!
Kaitlyn has officially turned 6 years old this month and is asking for her two front teeth for Christmas.  She loves Kindergarten and gets excited to do her homework.  She is learning to read and does a great job sounding out words.
Bryce turned 1 year old!  He is a happy little guy and loves playing with any kind of ball.  He even has a pretty good throw!  He loves to give hugs and kisses.  He is keeping us all busy getting into everything and yet always willing to pull out the broom and dust pan. J  His most common words he can say are:  mama, dada, ball, bye, hi, more, and milk.
Roy and I had our 10 year anniversary in April.  We had fun going to the Hines Mansion, getting massages, eating sushi for dinner, and enjoying time together.  We ended the next day going to the gym to get a good workout. J 
Roy officially turned 40 years old last month.  He is working at eBay and received an Oscar for the NL IVR Project. He competed this Fall in his body building competitions.  He competed in the Utah Pro Bowl (came in 2nd place in Overall), Team USA’s in Las Vegas, and finished at the Natural Olympia in San Diego getting his Pro Card. When all was said and done people were getting his autograph.  Not only did he compete, but he trained.  Our team LRC (Lean, Ripped, & Cut) had 5 different divisions (Teenage, Physique, Figure, Bikini, and Bodybuilding). Every member placed with trophies!
Linda (me) turned 41 last month.  In my 40th year I officially graduated in May from Stevens-Henager College with her Bachelors in Business Administration.  All the 2 ½ years of non-stop school paid off when I received a promotion to be the Financial/Human Resource Specialist.  I jumped out of my comfort zone, and competed with Roy in his competitions.  It was quite the journey of hard work and discipline.  I was actually surprised to come home with some metals (not too bad for the first time). J 
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and an Amazing New Year!   


Love, The Critchfield Family

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Dear Family and Friends,
It is hard to believe another year is almost complete.  Looking back, we feel our family has been very blessed.  It has been awhile since we have written up a Christmas letter and shared what is happening in the lives.  We will first start out with our youngest child.
Bryce is seven months old.  He was born Friday, May 3, 2013.  He is a strong, healthy boy and is 100% in height, weight and head size. J   Bryce is cuddly, has a sweet personality and is a happy kid.  He loves to chew on things…still no teeth, loves to move his legs constantly.  I am thinking he is going to be hard to catch once he starts walking/running.  We are so glad he is in our family!
Fluffer (our little dog).  Where do we start with little Fluff?  She turned one year old in July.  She is potty trained better now. J  She wasn’t quite sure what to think when Bryce showed up at our house, but has made a point to make sure we haven’t forgotten her.  She does great with Bryce.   She likes getting her hair done.  She is definitely a girl. J
Kaitlyn just turn five years old.  She has an exciting personality.  She is in the talkative stage.  She loves princesses, horses, unicorns, etc.  She is going to preschool and loves learning and doing crafts.  The kids joke around saying Kaitlyn is a diva.  She can be pretty dramatic, but I am hoping it is just a five-year-old phase.
Amanda is seven years old.  She is in second grade and loves to read.  She has discovered the Magic Tree house book series and is always looking forward to the next one to read.  She loves going to the library.  Amanda also loves horses and running, which is very fitting for her.  She is full of energy and constantly wanting to stay busy.  She is very crafty and is always looking for a new project to do.
Ammon is in seventh grade.  He played football this year for Bingham high school.  His team went to the finals.  He loved every minute of it!  He is working on his scouting. He attended the Timberline leadership training for boy scouts this summer.  The boys nicknamed him, “Russell”, because he looked like the character Russell off of the movie, “Up”.
Jessica is a sophomore at Bingham High School.  She was in Junior Honors Society and is a straight A student.  She is enjoying her Physics course and aceing it in flying colors.  She loves to sing and will break into song at any given time.  She also has her learners permit, and officially started practicing her driving. 
Roy started working for eBay in February as MTS Software Engineer II.  He has been keeping busy with his hobby of body building.  He competed in three body building shows this year.  In the Utah Pro Bowl, he placed 1st in Junior Masters, 1st in Open Tall division and won the Masters overall.  In the team USA’s in Las Vegas, Nevada, he placed 1st in Junior Masters and 5th in the Open Tall Division.  Then his final competition was the Natural Olympia in San Diego, California.  He placed 3rd in the Junior Masters and 4th in the Open Tall Division.  Roy has also been a personal trainer for several people who have also competed and placed in Fitness, Figure and Bodybuilding shows. 
Linda has had a busy year as well.  She has been working full-time at Central Utah Water Conservancy District as their Financial/Human Resource Assistant and going to school full-time as well at Stevens-Henager College online.  She is happy to say she will be graduating in May of 2014 (the day before Bryce turns one year old) in Business Administration.  In May, she had baby Bryce and was able to be on maternity leave for a couple of months from work, but still continued with her schooling.  After being in school since 2011, she is looking forward to having some kind of free time.  
Life is definitely busy at the Critchfield household, yet we cannot forget the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and our Heavenly Father. We know we have been watched over especially all the changes we experienced this year.  We also appreciate your love and friendship.  We know our lives would never be the same without you!  There are so many good memories and more to come.  We hope each and every one of you has a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year!
Roy, Linda, Jessica, Ammon, Amanda, Kaitlyn, and Bryce Critchfield

Sunday, December 1, 2013

New Family Pictures - 2013

We were so excited to get new pictures and have Bryce added to our family. 
We had our niece, Heidi Snelgrove, take them for us.  She did a great job!


Our Month of November

Roy's birthday was the beginning of the month, but we didn't celebrate it until after his body building show the following week.  Then he could eat his own birthday cake. :)
A fun, crazy picture!
 I received a new desk at work.  I am so excited and feel like I have more room to work.  I have worked at CUWCD for 16 years.  It is hard to believe and an awesome place to work.  I love it there!
I love this picture.  Amanda is my big helper with Bryce.  I love how she loves to read and willing to read to her little brother and sister.
 Daddy gave Bryce a fudge striped cookie.
I think he likes it! :)
My birthday was this month as well. Amanda made a calendar for me for next year. 
She worked almost a full week on it.

 I have to admit...I wasn't too excited to be turning 40 years old.  I always thought I would be younger than that.  I think I am just a kid inside.  Hopefully that will always keep me young. :)  I have realized though my 30th decade wasn't too bad.  I got married when I was 30, I have ran a full marathon, several half marathons and 5k/10k races, my kids were born, I started back to school to get my bachelors in 2011 and will soon be done Spring of 2014. I have had a lot of fun adventures.  I think I will look forward to my 40th decade.  I am going to make the best of it! :D

Bryce & Kaitlyn
 I think Bryce realized our bed is more comfy than his crib. :)