Friday, July 3, 2009

June update!!

While visiting my Mom, we also headed down to Jensen Beach, FL for Jared's best buddies', Daryl & Mandy, wedding!! It was beautiful. Here are his best friends from High School. Jared, Scott, Dave, & Daryl! Great group of guys if you ask me!
Kailee dancing with her Daddy!
Guys havin fun!
Mommy & Kailee!
It's so funny how we match. I just threw outfits in our suitcase! If only Allie were there it would make for a perfect family picture. My Mom took care of Allie for us for the weekend!! Thanks Nana!
Sco-Mo on the left is crazy!
At the wedding!
Jared and a group of 3 other guys sang "stand by me" at the wedding; it was beautiful!
Darryl and Mandy came up with their own vows to say to each other. It was so sweet and they are so cute! They also pretty much did everything themselves for this wedding. They even made us a goody bag for the road!
Jared's high school theatre teacher, Vincent, danced with Kailee so Jared & I could dance!
Kailee was the dancing queen at the reception. She danced for over 2 hours. She finally gave in at ten o'clock so we went to the hotel for the night!
I was taking a picture of Kailee, but I love how the lady to the left is bustin a move!!
Group pic!! We had so much fun at the wedding. It was like one of the funnest receptions I've ever been to! I loved the breaktfast brunch the next moring too!
Nana & Allie! We had the best visit ever! We miss Nana and Papa already!
Kailee in Nana's pool! She swam in it a lot!
Three generation girl picture!
Kailee watered Nana's flowers like everyday! She loved it.

Kailee watering Nana's flowers!
Kailee sleeping in the play pen! So cute!
Sister time in the crib!
Nana with her Kailee-Pie!
Nana and her Allie-Pie!
Kailee in Nana's flowers!
Kailee playing with Nana's necklaces!
On our trip to Nana & Papa's house, Kailee had to go pee really bad, so she went on the side of the road on her elmo potty! Pretty cute! We won't do that again. We didn't think about a car hitting us.
Nana's garden! She has so many beautiful flowers and rocks.
Uncle Josh with Kailee. Josh was worried Kailee would get applesauce on him, lol.
My oldest brother Josh & I!!

Jess, Kailee, & Josh. They live in Orlando.

Kailee thought their workout machine was a very fun swing!

Aunt Jess had some pretty cool dress up clothes!

Josh smiling like always!

Kailee watering the flowers with Nana! Nana loved letting Kailee help her with everything. It was so cute! Kailee tried to spray me.

Papa & Kailee

Jess made me a birthday cake! So kind of her to remember my birthday was that week!! I have the best sister-in-law ever!

Josh loves to throw out cheesy smiles! Goof ball! It was so glad to see my bro and his wife, Jess. I miss them! Let's all pray that when Josh graduates this fall, he'll get a job in Texas!
Kailee picking Papa's 1st strawberry!
Papa and Kailee doodling!
Papa, Nana, & the girls!
Allie used Dakota to help pull herself up! Then Dakota shakes her bum and Allie falls back down on her bum. It was funny.
The beautiful grandparents!
Daddy's princesses!
Papa took us to pick wild blackberries! Kailee ate tons! They were so good!
Papa covering his ears while Allie is screaming like she loves to do so often!
Olive garden picture! Papa and Nana treated us for my birthday! I love OG!
Nana & Allie
My Mom made me a delicious birthday dinner: Chicken & Brocolli Casserole and for dessert, my favorite: brownies with ice cream and hot fudge!! YUMMY!
I spent my birthday at my Mom's house in Florida! Jared decorated! I'm 24 now!!
Mommy's girls!
Olive Garden birthday dinner!
Jared got me these sweet running shoes and a super cute diaper bag!! He picked both out on his own; I was so impressed! My Mom and Steve got me a beautiful shirt with earrings, which I'm wearing in my birthday dinner pic.
Our garden! You can see our pool sits on our slanted yard.
Doesn't our yard look nice. Jared takes good care of it!
Father's Day Breaktfast!
I made Jared a collage of pics. of him and the girls to put in his classroom or office at work!! He also got some new sheets and pillows for our bed and registration papers for a 10K and a half marathon!