Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Our Little Family!

Fresh from the womb!
She looks so much like Kailee did.
Our precious Allie!
3 days old.
Leaving the hospital.

She has dark hair just like Kailee did; we'll see if it lightens too!

The day we left the hospital!
Kailee kissing Allie!
Kailee says "baby"!!
Kailee loves to go and watch Allie sleep.
Mom with her 2 girls!!
Kailee missed me being gone, so when she'd come to visit, she always loved sitting with me. I loved it too!
I love this pic. of Jared with Allie!
Jared with his beautiful little girls!
Here Kailee is kissing her little sister! She kisses her all the time; it is so cute.
Kailee drinking out of Mom's hospital cup!

I just love this dress Nana got her!


Nana (my Mom) is visiting for a few weeks and she is the greatest help! Kailee adores her!!
Nana with her 2 beautiful grand-daughters!
My brother Jacob holding Allie for the first time!

40 weeks pregnant!

Induction day!!
My sweetie pie husband gave me a foot massage while I was on the labor bed waiting for the contractions to hurt bad enough so I could feel justified in getting an epidural!

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Allie Has Arrived: More Details to Come

Hi All! Allie Anne Critchfield has arrived. She came to us on Friday, June 25 at 1:47 p.m. weighing in at 6 pounds, 8 ounces. She is 20 inches long. Her last moments in Shannon's tummy proved to be an emotional roller coaster ride resulting in an emergency cesarean, but Shannon and Allie are safe, sound, and beautifully resting in the hospital. When Shannon comes home next week, we'll fill you in with more pictures and details. There's more to come. For now, enjoy!

The Anticipation!

Fresh Out of Mom's Tummy!
Allie's First Bath

Some Peace and Rest

Two Beautiful Babes!

Daddie and Allie
The Behind-the-Scenes Crew. Big thanks go to Nana, Jacob, and Kailee
Our New Family!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Brief Update...

I was dilated to 3-4 cm today when the Dr. checked me and he said I was having the baby this week! If I don't go on my own before, I'll be induced Friday morning!! I'm soooo excited. Getting to go a couple days early is much better than a week late like I was with Kailee! Also, my Mom arrived here on Friday, so it's been fun having her around! She'll be here for 3 weeks! Kailee warmed right up to her and already adores her Nana. She's going to help take care of Kailee while we are at the hospital! I secretly LOVE the hospital. I told Jared it's like a free vacation (they do everything for you)... and he said "yeah, but it sure isn't free" lol. I just had such a good experience the 1st time; hopefully this labor will go just as well. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Our 3rd Anniversary!

July 1st was our 3rd year anniversary! We started the day opening our gifts to each other. Jared got our marriage certificate custom framed and it is BEAUTIFUL! I'll have to post a picture soon. I am so excited. It has been something we've wanted to do, but never got around to it. I got Jared a custom mouse pad with a huge pic. of us on it for him to take to his work this fall. This way, he'll remember his Shanny all day long. I then packed our picnic lunches while Jared ran to McDonalds to get us all sausage, egg, and cheese biscuits for breakfast. Delicious! Even Kailee loved getting all of her fat for the day in 1 meal! lol Then we got ready and went to a Rainforest water park (geared towards younger children). Since Jared took the day off work, I wanted to do something fun as a family with Kailee. Kailee loved it. It was like a big kiddie pool with slides and there was even a small lazy river. Jared said it was "a VERY lazy river." lol. It was fun to just spend time together as a family. I love to see how happy Jared is around his family. He really does love spending time with us. Before we left, we ate our picnic lunch and then headed home to put Kailee down for her nap. We had a relaxing afternoon, followed by a very lovely evening. My brother, Jacob, who's living with us for the summer babysat Kailee for us while Jared took me to the Cheesecake Factory. Oh sooooo good! I can't believe we paid $8 for a slice of cheesecake. We then went to Sport's Authority to pick him out some new running shoes with his graduation money! Then we went to see the movie "College Road Trip." It was hilarious. I thoroughly enjoyed spending the entire day with my wonderful husband of 3 years!! Here are a few reasons why I love him sooooo much...

1. He works so hard for our family. He always has. It is important to him that I stay at home with Kailee and I think that's great. Though I have always tried to make extra money when I can and/or need to, Jared is always working his hardest to provide for our family. Knocking doors in this summer heat is not easy and I love him for it!
2. Jared ALWAYS asks me about my day and listens to me when I tell him about it, even though it only consists of normal, everyday things that have to do with Kailee. He loves to hear what Kailee and I do everyday and that makes me feel good.
3. Jared always makes a point to let me know that he appreciates EVERYTHING I do for him. He thanks me for every meal I prepare and he thanks me for even the littlest chore that I do around the house like folding clothes, doing the dishes, vaccuming, etc. He is always so observant and really makes me feel important and appreciated.
4. Not a day, not even a half a day goes by without Jared telling me how much he loves me. Sometimes he'll stop me when I'm in the middle of doing something just to tell me he loves me. He is the best.
5. Jared has been and always will be such a gentleman. Yes, he still opens the doors for me and I love it, especially being 8 months pregnant (he even walks around and helps me get out of the car) :) He loves to go on dates with me and makes it a point that we always have a date night at least once a week.
6. He knows how to prioritize and have balance in his life. He makes sure that Kailee and I are taken care of at home and always spends time with us when he can, he loves to go jogging or workout in the mornings, followed by a nice scripture study to set the mood for his day, and then he goes out to work his bunnions off for the rest of the day.
7. Jared is still that funny, happy, outgoing, charming man that I married. I love him so much and not a day goes by that I don't thank my Heavenly Father for such an amazing husband.