Saturday, January 19, 2008

It's BUBBLE time!

So, unfortunately I didn't remember to take many pictures on our vacation to NC to see my Dad & family and to my mother's. We did take some on our new video camera, but I haven't figured out how to put them on the computer yet. But fortunately, my mother took lots and sent me copies!
I took a bubble bath in my mom's sweet jacuzzi, but I accidently put in too much bubble bath. So, after I drained the tub, I decided I'd let Kailee play in the bubbles.
Kailee loved her waterless bubble bath! I don't know who had more fun?? Kailee or my Mom, Jared, & I watching her have such a blast!
Here's Nana snuggling Kailee, which was her favorite part of our visit! My Mom and her husband, Steve, live in Florida!
Here is us toasting in the sun after church. It was like in the 70's there for a few days.
Kailee insists upon having her finger in her mouth for all of the pictures. I think she realized she has a couple teeth and wanted to feel them, lol. We had a blast on our Christmas vacation, though the weather did not make it seem like Christmas. We can't wait to get to the warmth of Texas!

Nana and Papa's house!

This is my beautiful Mother, Angie, or "Nana"
This is my Mom, Kailee, and my wonderful step-father, Steve .
My Mom got this fun walker at a yard sale and Kailee loved it. She is trying to take her pajamas off.
Here, Kailee admires their sweet, beautiful dog, Dakota! Kailee loves dogs!
Here is our family wearing my beautiful new scarf! Kailee cheers in her enthusiasm!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Little Girls love their Daddies!

Kailee is begging Daddy to please not leave for school.
Here Kailee listens at the door for when Daddy comes home.
Kailee is sporting her new jacket that Nana got her for Christmas!

Chrismas before Christmas!

We let Kailee open her presents the morning before we left for NC and FL to visit my family.
She got some sweet floating bath turtles that connect together with magnets!
A cool lion whe can push!
And some adorable books with lots of pictures of other babies!
As you can see, she was ecstatic! Then, about an hour later, Jared was on the computer in the living room and Kailee was beside him, so I thought he was watching her and I went to finish packing in our bedroom. Then we hear a crash and a scream. Kailee had grabbed the Christmas tree and pulled it down. Somehow she managed to pull it down beside her. She was terrified, but did not get hurt! Phew! I got Jared a sweet shirt from Old Navy, some peanut butter M&M's, and a music CD. And he got me Ratatouille!!! and a white, laced cami undershirt! He also surprised me by mailing another movie to my Dad's house for Christmas. It Takes Two with Mary Kate and Ashly Olsen when they were like 10!! It's my favorite movie! Christmas doesn't get better than that!

Kailee's new toy!

This lion plays music, can be pushed, or sat on. Kailee loves it!

After a bath, I laid Kailee on the floor in her towel for a second while I went to grab something and sure enough, as soon as I sat her down, she squirmed out of the towel. I ran for the camera because I do love pics. of her darling baby bootie! I was telling my Mom while we were visiting her during the Christmas break about my obsession with how cute Kailee's bum is. I told her that I wondered when a parent no longer has the desire to pinch their babies bums, in other words, at what age do you stop gooing and gaaing over your kids bums. My Mom said, "Oh, that never goes away" and she pinched my butt. lol