Monday, April 1, 2013

Stella the Fella

Stella is our cat. 

We thought she was a "she"

Turned out she was a "he"

Viv is still confused.

It was funny though, because Riley is the one who noticed that she had some extra parts down below. He said, "I think the cat is a boy. He has testicles!"
Ava was confused and thought Mr. Stella had octopus tentacles. 
She was horrified. 
Riley and I were laughing about it for a few hours. 
Can you imagine the vivid imagination of a 6 year old thinking her cat had octopus tentacles? 
Stella went to the vet the next day and was turned into an "it." 
So no more tentacles for Stella.
Ava's relieved.

In Other news....WE BOUGHT A NEW HOUSE!

 We are really liking it. 

The girls love the backyard. Behind the fence is so more of our property, but it is a big hill up to the golf course. It's so nice and private. I love it.

We just got some patio furniture and a fire pit and have enjoyed a few evenings by the fire looking at the stars. 

It makes such a difference, liking your home. Plus we are not very good at fixing things up. This house is all done. Basement and everything. 
It's nice.
A lot to clean, but nice. 

Easter was fun, except that Viviann HATED her Easter dress that the Easter bunny brought. She cried about wearing it for a good hour that morning. As soon as we got home from church it was off! Poor Easter Bunny tried hard...At least I can still get Isaac to wear anything. Even his nerd shoes (as Ava calls them)

 The girls have become Ute fans. Here we are at a Gymnastics meet up at the U. 
The other day I was wearing my BYU-Idaho shirt and Ava started Booing me!?! 
I was like, "are you booing me?"
And she said, "YES! GO UTES!!"
Truthfully I could care less, and Utah beats BYU on the style factor. (sorry dad)

I think I have mentioned on here before that I got to be Ava's room mom this year. It has really been fun being involved. For Teacher Appreciation week we got to decorate Miss Thomas' door in a super hero theme. Ava loved helping and I think it turned out pretty cute for my first door decorating experience.

That's all the new stuff for now. Till next time....