Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Tis the Season

We really love this time of year around our house. 

My dad dropped in for the afternoon. It was really short, but really nice to see him. 

Last week we had our community christmas party that I got to be involved in planning. It turned out great, and I am really glad it's over. I just have another party tomorrow night, Ava's Polar Express class party the week after that, and Ava's 6th birthday two days after that. Tis the Season to party it up!! 

Santa came to our party and all the kids behaved themselves while sitting on his lap. Ava (who is a very caution/nervous soul) was a bit scared of santa. Stranger Danger! So I told her who it really was, and she was cool with it after that. "Besides Mom, you can totally tell his beard is fake!" 

Another thing Ava is afraid of is, The Grinch. She has refused to see it year after year. So this year, I had a plan. I bought the book and we read it. She liked it. Then, Twinkie (Our Elf on the Shelf) brought back from the North Pole, the old school cartoon version for the kids to watch. Before watching it, we had a Who-Ville Feast. Roast Beast (Rotisserie Chicken) WhoHash (Cheesy Potatoes, which on a side note, I have never made in my life, but I live in Utah now, so it's about time!) Who-Pudding for dessert and Grinch Punch. The girls were really excited. Then we watched the movie, and Ava loved it, and no longer has nightmares of the Grinch. Sweet Success!! 

And on a totally unrelated to Christmas note...

Ava thought that the Grinch lived in the furnace that is in the unfinished part of the basement. 

Craziness, my child, nothing lives in the furnace! 

Well, Riley and I were down there the other day going through things we have still not unpacked :) 
and I heard a funny squeaky sound (name that movie) 
Anyway, turns out something DOES live in the furnace after all! 
It was a MOUSE! Apparently this is to be expected when you live in the country. I had no idea.

Now to explain a bit. I was standing on a step stool while my studly husband investigated. 

The stupid mouse ran right under my feet, so keep that in mind before you judge me or call me names :)  And sorry it's dark. I was too freaked out to think about turning on lights and things.

Zoey's the Best Dog Ever! I think extra bones are coming her way this Christmas!

Merry Christmas Everyone!