Friday, May 25, 2012

We have a graduate...and a few holes

Ava graduated from pre-school today. They had a cute little program and sang a lot of songs. They all got to pick their favorite songs and Ava's was "I'm a little tea pot" as seen below, followed by the N Song that I thought was just too cute not to post. (They were supposed to have graduation at the park, so I dropped her off there this morning and by the time graduation rolled around it was moved inside, but Ava had already gotten attacked by pollen, so she has pink eyes and is itching like crazy during these videos. Poor girl)                                                  
 Here is Ava and her Teacher Ms Dena. She is really going to miss her a lot. Luckily she gets to see her at church once a week. 
 Here whole class: 
 Ava (looking drunk as usual, haha) and her BFF Dewie
 And our little family. ( I look awful and huge, but one good thing about this baby being late, like his sisters, is I didn't miss Ava's graduation, and that's so worth the "uncomfortableness" I'm feeling)
 Here's Ava and Viv with their cousin, Tenley, who came to visit earlier this month. They were really cute together and had a good time. 
Ava has lost her first tooth! It was wiggly for a few weeks, and then when we realized the other tooth was already growing in behind it, we (meaning Riley) did his manly daddy duties and pulled it out for her. She was pretty thrilled when it was all said and done and the Tooth Fairy visited. She's growing up so fast! 
 As for other holes around the house, this was our front yard...or what's left of it.

 All because this darn waterline disconnected from the house 7 feet down. It got the room in the basement wet and we had to dry out the carpet with fans and it made us a nice wading pool in the front yard. Luckily, it is all attached and reinforced so we should have no problems. The next week some sprinkler pipe broke...Yeah it's been fun :) We have great neighbors who are willing to help, so it wasn't as bad as it could have been at all.

Still waiting on Kiddo number three to make his debut. Hopefully this weekend (and he will only be a week late like his sisters), if not they have an induction date set for the 30th. We will keep you posted!