Friday, April 13, 2012


We recently had a flour fight, and Visitors! It has been a fun Month for sure!

First off, the flour fight....

I've been feeling so lazy as a mom lately. I felt the need to step it up and do "fun" things with the kiddos. One of those "fun" ideas was magic sand. It is flour and baby oil mixed together to make a sand-like substance that can be shaped and molded. They loved it. Then one day I came out into the living room after my shower to find this....
The flour EVERYWHERE! Then when there was no more flour left in the bucket, Viv helped herself to the flour in the pantry.

It was a mess of great magnitude.

Then Miss Viv, (my little troublemaker) flour bombed Ava.

Nothing a few days of vacuuming and a nice bath couldn't fix though :)
Although, while I was cleaning up the flour mess, Viviann got ahold of the cleaner and sprayed everything, including my iPhone. I thought it was a goner, but only the camera was messed up, as you will see in the pictures below :) Thankfully this is my year for an upgrade

Then we had visitors!!
My brother and his wife made the trek from sunny Southern California to not so sunny Utah.

We took the kids down to Provo to see BYU (where their parents met and where Emma was born) And also to have a little ice cream at the creamery...Yumm-o!

We went up to Temple Square another day. The kids really like the waterfall on the top of the conference center. (Ava, always a poser, Emma, Abby, Kyle or Michael as Viviann called him the whole trip, and Viviann) See what I mean about my camera...water spots everywhere!

Ava and Emma both have a rather large flare for all things dramatic. :)

The girls loved dancing in the big skirts at the Church History Museum.
And what better way to get around Temple Square than to hitch a ride on Uncle Trevor's knee scooter! Coolest thing ever!!

The girls loved having their cousins here for the week. I wish I would have gotten more pictures of them all together, and some of Tamar with baby Zac, but my mind is a bit foggy right now. Hopefully next time they come I will have energy and be ready to party!!

The gang left Saturday morning, and it was a sad time in our house. But then we met up with Aunt Teresa and went to see baby animals, ride ponies and have ginormus suckers, so wounds were healed for the time being, although the girls still talk about how much they miss their cousins. Ava even drew me a map to Emma and Abby's house so that I would know how to get there...hint hint :)

And we would like to have a moment of silence for crazy Cocoa...

Last Friday we were up in Bountiful for the day visiting the awesome Auntie Elmer, and when we came home that night the gate was bent and wide open. Both the dogs were gone and we couldn't find them. Later that night Zoey came home, but Cocoa has yet to return...We will keep you posted.