I wasn't super clear in the previous post, see below, about that horrible picket fence room. It will be painted OVER! As will this one, seen here...
The house was built in 1997, so things like the light fixtures and door knobs are all bright gold. They will be switched out as well. Most of this house screams 1997, but it was cheap okay? haha.
I still haven't even seen the master bath or closet, or the girls' bathroom. The people were home when we saw this house, and the bathrooms were in use. So I am hoping that we made the right decision :) But I figure 2 full bathrooms is better than what we had before, and a closet we can walk into is a dream! So even if they don't have a double vanity, or a closet bigger than the actual bedroom, it will be okay. We will make it work
Now, the worst thing about Ava's new room, is her having a voice in what it looks like. I really like that it is her space, and want her to LOVE it. I have always let her have a say in things like where the furniture was placed, and that is about all the decorating we could do before. However, now we have a place we can paint, and so the struggle over the wall color begins...
Here is what Ava would like:

Here is more of what I was thinking...

There has to be a happy medium in all of this, right? I have been searching and thinking, and even trying to "guide" (which some may call bribing, but I'm not ashamed) her paint choices at the Home Depot. I am trying to teach her about accent colors, and how pink (or watermelon is the color she actually picked out) would be a great ACCENT color. She refuses. She has this idea that ALL of her walls will be watermelon. Ugggghhhh. So I think, our home will be similar to D.C. for the next few weeks. These negotiations are going to be beat up, drag down, fight till the end! I hope I win, but my sweet little girl has such an independent spirit, (nothing like me as a child, right mom haha) I'm nervous.
I'll let you know how it all turns out :)