Thursday, April 28, 2011

Up and Running!

So, we made it to Utah. Graduation day was crazy. We had all the graduation ceremonies in the morning, then we had to check out of our apartment and move to Utah. It was a little tight, but with help from all our families, we somehow made it.

We were able to find a little house to rent for a few months in Orem, right down the street from Riley's work. We started house hunting, but things are going so fast down here, and we are competing with a lot of investors that can pay cash for everything, so we have lost out on the first few we have put offers on, even though they were for asking price, or even higher! It's frustrating, but hopefully we will find something soon.

Riley is LOVING his new job. He really enjoys what he does and the people that he works with. He gets to head out to Nerd Heaven (WWDC) in June with all his co workers, and he's thrilled. It was an adjustment to have him gone from 8-5, but we are getting used to it, and it is really nice that he doesn't have homework anymore!

We have been sick for the last few weeks, and the other day Ava exclaimed, "We are all so sick of Utah!" haha.

We were without internet for a while, but as of last night, we are up and running again! I will download pictures when I get everything in order.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Oh The friends we have made!

Ava came in the other day with her face looking like this....
She had done her own "make up" with a pen. I tried hard not to laugh too much, because really she thought she was looking good and I didn't want to hurt her feelings, but I couldn't help it. We snapped a few pictures and then wiped it off before preschool. She also had hair ties around her ears for earrings. She was looking fly!

What a difference a few months and a 4 year old birthday make....This girl LOVES her bike now. Last summer she would freak out and wanted nothing to do with it. This year it is all she wants to do. She is so brave and cruises everywhere.

With a jealous little sister on her tail. I think we might have to get Viv a tricycle when we move to Utah, because her little car just isn't cutting anymore...The girl wants petals!

She is still enjoys the car from time to time, but then gets off to run if Ava is too far ahead.

We sure have made some AWESOME friends here in Rexburg. People who have touched our hearts, and we are really sad to leave. Here is a picture of Viv and Henry...If Ava doesn't marry him, Viv will...I will make sure of it!

Alltough it is April now, we live in Rexburg, and it has still been too cold to spend too much time outside. (Those bike pictures were on days it was only in the 40s, we are desperate for playtime!) So my friends and I took the kids to Arctic Circle for a little time on the play toys. They had a blast! Here is Ava with Levi and Rylee.

Viv sick of all the photos. "Really, Mom! Get a life!"

Viv and her Bestie, Anna! They are exactly two months apart, and the cutest little duo of petite, feisty little girls. They just giggle together sometimes and it is so cute!

We are so grateful for the time we have had to spend in Rexburg, and all the wonderful people we were able to meet! We will miss everyone so much!