Thursday, December 31, 2009

What we have been up to....

We spent Christmas in Northern Idaho with my family. We got a cousins picture. We were missing a TON of family, but we had fun. I love this picture with Tytan sticking Riley with a dart!

Santa Came to make a little visit, and bring Ava her Christmas Jammies. The little cousins had a great time! Ava saw Santa and said, "It is Santa, I know you!"

Here is a cake that I made for my friend, Jessica's birthday, which happens to be the same day as Ava's. I didn't give the bow long enough time to dry, so it was a little droopier than I had planned and I had to use some toothpick support, but it was all good.
This summer when I was pregnant and Riley was in California for his internship, I made flower clipies...and I just didn't stop. I made about a bazillion, and I just hung some up in Viv's room. I am addicted to these cute giant clothes pins. I have some in the office for the mail and things, some for Ava's pictures, and now they are holding flowers.
Here is Ava's bunch of flowers...the really sad thing is I gave away a lot to cousins and friends, and I still can't even fit them all. Good thing I have two little girls to share them!
Ava requested a few pictures be is her name in her room. So here it is.

The other is her table and drawing easel. We rearranged today and so she wanted new pictures of where she put her things. She is hilarious!
Here is another little something I made for Viv's room. The funny thing is, for some of the things I collected the envelops we got in the mail that are the security ones and used them. So if you look really close, some have names of companies on them. Oh well they were free!

I decided that before school starts again and things get crazy I needed to finish some projects and get really organized. With both of us in school, with alternating schedules, so we don't have to get a babysitter, and Riley in the bishopric we aren't expecting to have a lot of time to get things done, so I went crazy and organized everything. I was working on a project for Viv's room. We got an old rocking chair from Riley's Grandma Belle, but it had been stained and painted so many times it was all different colors, so I painted it black and antiqued it, so it is rustic and really cute. Then I decided to do the crib to match, because we have moved 6 times with this crib, it had a little wear and tear, but I just love it, so I painted it, and roughed it up a little. It turned out really cute. I did a thin coat, so you can still see all the wood grain. Viv's room is finally done!

Riley and I celebrated our anniversary yesterday. Riley was sick, so we just had a low key dinner at home. After dinner we played a little gin and had some mini eclairs...yummy! Perfect night! I love you Ri!

Here is a cute one of Ava that she requested, because Elmo's world is on the background, and she just loves Elmo's world, so she wanted a picture with it.

Here is one that Ava took of Miss Viviann. Big blue eyes! I love it!

So that is the last few weeks in a nutshell. We hoped that everyone had a great Christmas and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Birthday Pictures

Here are a few pictures from Ava's 3rd Birthday party. The Lines Family (pictured, Debbie, Ava and Henry) came over for pizza, which Ava doesn't even eat, but we couldn't invite them over for Vanilla yogurt and peanut butter on a we opted for a pizza party.
She picked out the colors and the shapes for her cake. It think that it turned out pretty cute. It looks like a Dr. Suess Cake or something. It is chocolate cake, which she picked out too, but she didn't even eat it, she just ate the fondant.
Enough with the pictures mom....I want some cake! There is cutie Elizabeth!

She had a lot of fun opening her presents. Grandma and Grandpa Crebs sent the scooter. She loves riding around the apartment with it, just practicing for spring!

Henry wanted to help blow out the was pretty cute! Enjoy!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Ava Belle!

I can not believe how big she is getting. She is so much fun, and just so cute! She always says something funny, or does something funny. She never fails to surprise! She is amazing at puzzles and letters. One of my favorite things about her is last winter when we were really working on learning letters and their sounds she started calling the letters by their sounds and not their names. So instead if calling 'A' an 'A' she would scream 'AHHHHHH!" She still does it every once in a while and the best is when we are in church and she starts sounding out words and screams 'AHHHH!' She says B is a BABABABAAAA! Oh I love her. She is such a great big sister. She baby talks a lot to Viv and says, "Oh you are Gorbus! (how she says gorgeous) you are just so Gorbus, Mommy sister is Gorbus!" She also says, "Hiiiiiii, Hiiiiiii, Hiiiiiii" all in different tones and lengths. She is so stinkin cute! She is so excited to be a sunbeam and she gets to start preschool for two mornings a week in January. I can't believe how fast she is growing! I will post pictures later!


Friday, December 11, 2009

Free Christmas music

Just letting everyone know...iTunes has a free Holiday Sampler CD. It has 20 songs on it for FREE! They are a pretty good mix of genres and things, and it's Free. We are hurting for Christmas music, and Riley will not listen to NSYNC Christmas one more time, so I thought I would search for new music :) Just go to the iTunes store and there is a David Archuleta Single for free this week and then next to it is the Holiday Sampler. Hope you enjoy your free Christmas music!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Born To Ride

This weekend Ava wanted to go out into the FREEZING cold snow...really it is freezing here. Today the high is 13 degrees and the lows are down into the negatives. Mix that with the Rexburg wind and it is unbearable! Weather only a two year old would want to play in. Luckily, Riley doesn't mind it so much either, so he took her out into the snow. She wanted to sled, but we don't have sleds, so Riley got out an old snowboard. He adjusted the bindings as close as he could and strapped her in. SHE LOVED IT! She would go down the hills, and then Riley would give her a push, and she would just cruise! She was too cute! XGames here she comes!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

3 Months Old

Today Miss Viv hit the 3 month mark. I can't believe how fast it has gone by, but then again, and can't remember life without her. She is such a fun baby to have around. She smiles at everything and has quickly moved from "cooing" and laughing to squealing and shrieking. It is the funniest thing ever. It is like her alarm when Ava gets to close..she just starts squealing and shrieking really loudly. Ava was never this loud as a baby. Maybe it is because Viviann has an older sister for a roll model on how to be loud!
She has started drooling like mad..she drenches every shirt she wears. In the picture above she was in her cute dress for church, but that was soaked by the time we got home so she's just in the leftovers.
She is still a super sleeper.
She loves to sit up and stand up. She gets mad when I make her lay flat or take her out of her bumbo and does mini sit ups to try to get back upright. I think it is because she doesn't feel as vulnerable to Ava's mauling attacks when she is upright.
She is loving the lights on the Christmas tree. She could stare at it all day.
She is just so fun. I can't say it enough. We are so in love with her!