Monday, August 31, 2009


Still nothing....I am not good a waiting! I guess this is my lesson in patience for the month. Today I am going to scrub everything that can be scrubbed, and walk everywhere. I should know, that it doesn't help, because when they made me stop booking clients on Ava's due date, I was not happy and had to find things to fill my time. But instead of having a baby, I just had a back ache and a bad attitude. Hopefully something will work soon...T-5 days till we move....

We'll Keep you posted!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Just so you know..

Well here we are AGAIN at the 40 week mark. I am not as anxious as I was when Ava was overdue, because with her they were going to induce me at 41 weeks, and I was really freaked out about the whole thing. Luckily, she came on her own the night they were going to induce, so everything turned out okay on it's own. So knowing that she was late, I didn't expect an early baby this time(There was always a little hope) but never expectations for an early delivery. The only problem is, I am totally freaked out of getting induced, and I am really wanting to do everything naturally this time. So right now I have Jasmine Oil on my ear lobes (Riley thinks that I am crazy and I stink) and we just got home from the county fair where it was 95 degrees and I was thinking maybe that would do the trick. So far, nothing.

We are moving back to Rexburg in one week...I really want to have my baby before then, while I am here with my family and doctors that I like and the best doula and nurse ever! Oh these children of mine are just on their own little time line. I just keep thinking, the longer she is in there, the bigger she gets and I think that she is big enough!

I have made her hair bows, flowers, toys, tutus, there are cute clothes and a blankets waiting for her....Come out little one! She is probably just upset we haven't picked a name...

So we will keep you posted! Hopefully sooner than later!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

The Name Game

So just for fun I put up a poll. I think I know which name we are going to use, but I was just curious what people think. So Vote if you want! We aren't going to use the winning name just cause it wins, unless it is the one we like, but it will be fun to see what people think!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Summer Time and Family Time!

Here are a few pictures from the last month...
First is Miss Ashlyn in all her sass and glory. She was a kick to have around. Ava still talks about her cousin Ashlyn and how she will be back soon. They played at "Grandma Shar's Park" (as Ava refers to my grandma's backyard) a lot on the hot days.
Speaking of hot days....this was a little moment that hurt a lot. I put the popsicle in my mouth and then opened a few other ones for some other people. I guess I held it on my lips too long, and I was stuck! It took a little while to get free but I managed with only a little lip casualty.
Here is Tweedle dee and Tweedle their matching PJs and bed head.
...and similar outfits....
Arts and Crafts time at Art on the Green
A cute one of Ava being a goof.
And Mr. Payson. He loved the photobooth on the computer. He is such a smarty pants and can figure anything out...even computers.
Except he couldn't figure out how to get Ava to cooperate while taking pictures. Better luck next time Payson.
I don't have pictures from the wedding yet, but I did get a picture of the cake. This was my first official wedding cake. It took a few days to make because I am pregnant and slow, but it was a lot of fun and pretty tasty. I was glad it didn't tip over or anything. It was a great learning experience and a lot of fun to look at and think, "I actually did it!" Congrats Darb and Lyle!

So that is it for now. I have a week to go till I am a mother of two and I am nervous about that. Life is so easy with one little girl, but we are getting really excited. Riley gets to come home tomorrow and work remotely for the last two weeks of his internship. We are so happy and can't wait!! I have been doing a lot of "crafty" things to keep busy while I am waiting for the new baby. Ava is so excited and wants her little sister to come now! We still haven't decided on a name officially. We thought that we had, but then we thought of another and couldn't chose between the two, and then we thought of another! So who knows what this baby girl will be named, but she will be loved by her big sister!

It has been a fun and busy month and we love our family!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Catch up time...

We have been up to a lot lately, and I have been to lazy to upload any now I get to play a little catch up. The first picture is of Ava dancing at a Marimba concert. My mom is in a Marimba band, and we have been able to go to three concerts while we have been here. Ava loves to go the concerts and dance and play the shakers.
Then my dad was in a golf tournament at the country club and made it in the "Horserace" which is when the top 10 players have a little 5 whole elimination race, so we packed the kids on the gold cart and went to watch Grandpa. He tied for first place!
Oh I should mention Ava's cousins are in town for my sister's wedding this weekend. So Payson and Ashlyn have been keeping Ava busy and entertained.
After the horserace we went down the road to the lake to take a dip, cause it has been hot and the kids were so good a quiet in the golf cart. Ava loved the lake and went in until I finally told her she can't go any further. She loves the lake this year.
We went to a carnival and my sister's mother-in-law's daycare. Ava had a fun time. She did the cake walk, and fishing games, and got her face painted like a kitty cat. She was meowing all day after wards.
She also ate some whipped cream until she found the gummy bear. She didn't use her hands and was the only kid in the group who actually did this game. It was really cute!
This is what she wanted to wear to church the other day...interesting outfits are a daily occurance now.
And she even learned how to hopscotch with grandma. She loved it.

My little sister is getting married this week, so it has been crazy around here, but I will have more fun pictures to post next week.